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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A fine kettle of fish! Texas Republican Guv ABBOTT ASKS the federal government to declare what happened in Texas a MAJOR DISASTER! WHY?

A fine kettle of fish! Texas Republican Guv ABBOTT ASKS the federal government to declare what happened in Texas a MAJOR DISASTER! WHY?

That state is so uppity it created its own power grid specifically so the federal government would leave them alone...stay out of their affairs...BUTT OUT! They BRAGGED ON IT! Now he grovels and begs for federal assistance? Why?

The state KNEW the grid would fail again as it did years before when a smaller disaster hit. The state knew it needed to WEATHERIZE and PROTECT the equipment from COLD WEATHER and it did zero zip nada zilch. Now the predictable happened. EVERYONE KNEW IT WOULD. And here they are begging for help when IF THEY HAD DONE WHAT WAS NEEDED there would have been NO disaster or if something had happened it would have been MITIGATED. But no. Sheesh. Stupid dumbs. Who suffers? THE PEOPLE Of course. Never the pols. Always the people. Condolences.

Posted - February 20, 2021


  • 33848
    Biden should have already declared it a disaster.   
    He should have instructed the EPA to allow the limits on air quality to be lifted completely to deal with the storm as well.  EPA did but with limits. 

    But you know it is a red state so who cares, right? 
      February 20, 2021 7:58 AM MST