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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How peculiar. Apparently Democratic Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo is facing possible impeachment. For what? For lying/covering up! WHAT?

How peculiar. Apparently Democratic Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo is facing possible impeachment. For what? For lying/covering up! WHAT?

That is ridiculous!

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. GET A GRIP PEOPLE! EVERYONE KNOWS IT. They lie they screw up they lie they coverup. Part of the territory.

So he lied about or tried to cover up the number of dead in nursing homes?

Did he try to overturn an election? Did he conspire to incite an insurrection?


Geez y'all are really naive if you think pols are honest. You really are.

Now how many of you want Cuomo impeached for what he did/didn't do or say? How many want him impeached BECAUSE HE IS A DEMOCRAT?

Posted - February 20, 2021


  • 2706
      Here is an article you should read and then do your own research on Cuomo. Do the research before you try to defend this man.
      February 20, 2021 5:54 AM MST

  • 33848
    Did people die because of his lie? Yes.  And then he refused to count the deathes correctly. 
    If he had counted correctly and reported many people may have been saved.  

    He did not even allow the nursing homes to test the covid resident after they left the hospital. Because of his they put covid residents in the same room with elderly residences with numerous other health issues.  How many did that kill?   
      February 20, 2021 7:43 AM MST

  • 2706
    A lot of people would have been saved if Cuomo had done the right thing but he didn't and most likely won't in the future. What disgusts me almost as much as Cuomo and others of his kind, are the people who defend them by making excuses for them and covering up their crimes.
      February 20, 2021 2:34 PM MST