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Transgender - How do you know your personal identity and gender does not correspond with your birth sex? You've never been the other sex.

Posted - February 24, 2021


  • 8276
    Good point. 
      February 24, 2021 6:43 PM MST

  • 7939
    Perhaps not, but you can know that you don't identify with the gender to which you were born. That's enough of a start. The rest you can find out by exploring. 
      February 24, 2021 11:51 PM MST

  • 492
    How can you know that you don't identify with the gender to which you were born with, if you've never had another gender to identify or compare your currant gender with?

    Gender is formed by science. One shot deal with no choice from conception. Gender is not a fashion or style. It is a scientific creation formed by nature to promote evolution. Altering gender changes appearance, but does not change evolution of species. A human categorizing himself or herself outside the male/female binary classification, using surgery, is forming a cosmetic delusion, not transforming gender in a scientific form.
      February 25, 2021 4:52 PM MST

  • 7939
    Gender is (and I quote Webster's) "behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex." It's a societal construct. Society tells us how girls / women and boys / men are "supposed to" behave. 

    How about we use your same argument, but flip it?

    How can you know that you truly identify with the gender to which you were born if you've never lived as the other gender to identify or compare your current gender with? 

    Same deal. Even if I put it in the context of ones' sex, that's not really an argument. Do you need to be pumped full of estrogen and have a plastic surgeon give you a vagina in order for you to know you genuinely identify as a man? Because if you're a man by birth, your argument would contend you couldn't be sure you're really a man unless you've been a woman too. I can say, as a cisgender woman (a woman by sex at birth and by gender identity), that I don't need to be pumped full of testosterone and be given an artificial penis by a doctor to know that I'm a woman. 

    Why should it be any different for people who feel the opposite? For people who know their sex and gender don't match? Because they don't fit into the tidy little boxes society has prescribed for them? Shame on them for being ok with who they are and not what society has told them they should be. 
      February 25, 2021 9:44 PM MST

  • 492
    Gender is not a manor of acting, but it is being converted and transformed to characteristic quality of nature formed by psychological illnesses. Society tells boys/men and girls/women, by gender how to behave, evolution does not. Boys/men = one gender; girls/women = one gender. No flipping it. Society also tells us transforming gender is acceptable and normal. This makes changing gender a society conflict, not a conflict by nature. We are society. Nature is not society.
    How can people who "think" their sex and gender don't match, believe that transforming to a deceptive or fraudulent gender or sex is a cure for a psychological illness? This post was edited by antibiotic at February 26, 2021 12:41 PM MST
      February 26, 2021 4:54 AM MST

  • 7939
    That didn't address my statements at all. I'll repeat. 

    1. "Gender" is not the same as sex and it is a societal construct by definition. If you disagree with the definition... so be it, but then you'll need to take that up with Mr. Webster and any other dictionaries that disagree with your opinion. 

    2. If it's not possible to know your gender and sex are mismatched without being the opposite sex, then none of us cisgender folks can ever be sure either. Period. 

    To address your note:
    There is no reputable health or mental health organization that sees what you're describing as a mental health issue or "psychological illness." Furthermore, no reputable health or mental health agency subscribes to the notion that transgender people should be forced into cisgender lives or that treatment should push them in that direction. Any treatment is related to helping them cope with stress and trauma, no doubt largely caused by people who think it's their place to dictate which box they belong in. 
      February 27, 2021 10:23 PM MST

  • 492
    1. Mr. Noah Webster defines gender as: 2. A sex, male or female. 3. In grammar, a difference in words to express distinction of sex; ... to express the distinction of male and female.

    2. True. Cisgender folks may never know if they're in a mismatched sex.
    When a female convinces herself she is male, by removing her breasts, using hormones to growing extra hair on her face, chest and back, deepening her voice, wear men's clothes, spit on the ground at baseball fields, really make her a man?

      February 27, 2021 11:10 PM MST

  • 10052
    What about hermaphrodites, birth defects? 

    What would you do or have done if you had a son who, from toddlerhood, gravitated toward dolls and dress up and detested cars, sports, superheroes, soldiers, etc.? Or a daughter who didn't conform to societal gender stereotypical 'girly' expectations. 

    I raised two sons and they had at least 75% gender-neutral toys until about age 4, when they started mostly asking for GI Joes and sports-related toys, cards, etc. It's pretty interesting that infant and toddler toys are very much gender-neutral, when you think about it. 
    Anyway, I don't know what I would have done as a parent if either of my sons told me they were a girl or felt like a girl, as you hear from transgender children and their parents happens. I know that I would love and support them the best I could, and I would grieve about the hardship I'd know they would endure.   
      April 18, 2021 8:31 PM MDT

  • 492
    Anyway, I don't know what I would have done as a parent if either of my sons told me they were a girl or felt like a girl,
    How would your sons know they were girls or felt like girls, if they've never had menstral cramps or have never been a girl before, to know what feeling like a girl is like?
      April 19, 2021 5:58 PM MDT

  • 10052
    So, I ask you a question and volunteer how I would answer it,  and you don't answer it in any way, shape or form, but ask me a question in response. Got it. 

    **Could I get it noted for the record that as far as I can recollect, you and I have no history of animosity or disagreement towards one another and just yesterday I expressed interest in getting acquainted so I could understand what would be surprising about your song selection to my "Surprising Song" challenge question? You even wrote "thank you'' to me. **  

    If I were to answer your question, would you then answer the question I originally posed? 

    Just trying to understand the rules here.  :)
      April 19, 2021 6:12 PM MDT

  • 492
    Please allow me give you a proper answer in reguards to your question.

    Your sons would never know they were girls or felt like girls, if they've never had menstral cramps or have never been a girl before, to know what feeling like a girl is like.

      April 19, 2021 7:18 PM MDT

  • 10052
    1- What about hermaphrodites, birth defects?

    2- What would you do or have done if you had a son who, from toddlerhood, gravitated toward dolls and dress up and detested cars, sports, superheroes, soldiers, etc.? Or a daughter who didn't conform to societal gender stereotypical 'girly' expectations. 

    I'm speaking of the numerous reports of very young children who insist they are a girl when they are anatomically male or vice versa. Parents correct them, ignore it, seek counseling, punish them, etc., to no avail. Can you imagine the physical pain involved in having your sex organs removed? Not to mention the psychological pain, ridicule, harassment, abuse, etc. What person would choose that, if it's merely a choice or a whim? 

    Is it your belief that menstruation is what it is to be female? If that is the case, it goes back to the very first question that I asked you. What about babies born with intersex conditions? Children are born with external genitalia of one gender and internal reproductive organs of the other. Google it. 

    As I previously stated, this was not a parental challenge I experienced, and your non-question question is irrelevant. Neither of my children insisted that they were girls even once, when they learned what boys and girls are and were told they were boys.  In contrast to transgender children who insist that they are the opposite gender for years, beginning as young as age 3.


      April 19, 2021 7:45 PM MDT

  • 492
    Menstruation alone is not what makes a human female. It is only one common element which makes a human female by nature and evolution.
    Ambiguous genitalia is a disorder of sex development. It is not a human formation leading to a desire to change sex.
      April 19, 2021 8:32 PM MDT

  • 492
    There are no rules.
    I don't make it a habbit to go digging in the past to slap others around with what they've said.
    What is said in the past, stays in the past.

    antibiotic 7:23
    The Longer You Live In The Past, The Less Future You Have To Enjoy
      April 19, 2021 7:30 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Oh, shoot. I wish I'd seen this before I wrote all that above. Oh, well. 

    I don't either. I don't know how else to get a sense of people here, other than to read what they write. This was under your recent activity, not something from 'the past'. And I didn't intend it to be slapping at all, I was asking you sincerely. 

    Anyway, I'm an anti-anarchist, so no rules doesn't work well for me. Peace. 
      April 19, 2021 7:51 PM MDT

  • 6098
    I don't choose to be "the other sex". Have no desire to be. And couldn't really be even if I wanted to.  But I guess lots of people like the play-acting.  Which all seems rather extreme and disgusting but, goodness, I certainly have never had my finger on the pulse of what was popular. 
      March 22, 2021 9:02 PM MDT