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Now that “they” have canceled Dr. Seuss, how will they treat Mr. Rogers?

Fred Rogers was not only an ordained minister, he was also a lifelong conservative Republican. Is that enough information for those supposedly “tolerant” people who automatically harbor abject and downright hatred for conservative Republicans in general?

Posted - March 2, 2021


  • 6477
    Gosh I have such little idea about what's happening in the world these days.. I am unclear as to why they have cancelled Dr Seuss - presumably they feel that it is no longer appropriate? However, I would be failing in my duty to point out that Dr. Seuss was an author and they haven't cancelled him as such, just some of his books right? 

    And further, they didn't cancel those books because he was Republican or a conservative did they? If not then I suspect your Mr Rogers is fairly safe, whoever he is.

    I guess I am saying that what's considered acceptable and what isn't changes.. it always has done and it always will do. I mean, we used to think that drowning witches was ok.. and that black cats were unlucky and... and... and..  

    I guess too that the optimist in me likes to feel that we learn, we evolve and we become more enlightened. 

      March 2, 2021 1:45 PM MST

  • 10813
    They are no longer going to publish 6 of his books - “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”, “If I Ran the Zoo", ”McElligot’s Pool”, “On Beyond Zebra!”, “Scrambled Eggs Super!” and “The Cat’s Quizzer.”  The imagery in them is considered racist.
      March 2, 2021 2:09 PM MST

  • 6477
    Thank you for explaining. Well, in a way then, don't we think that if it is racist then that isn't a message we feel is appropriate? I mean there was a time when some people  believed slavery was perfectly fine and that black people were unintelligent and deserved to be treated badly. Do we think that's acceptable now? No, it's horrifying. We live and we learn, we become, hopefully, better people who no longer need to engage in such divisive rhetoric. 
      March 2, 2021 2:16 PM MST

  • 10813

    Like a pedophile.  I mean, he liked to lured children to his "neighborhood" where he invited them to" ride on his magic trolly" and talk to puppets.  Plus, he also had a "delivery" man named Mr. McFeely?  Bet there was some "candy" in that delivery van.  As a minister, Mr .Rogers had to have been religiously biased.  And because he was a republican he was anti-democrat (they all are).

    I'm being absurd, but that's how things are gong nowadays.  What's next, Tootle the train was a supremacist?  (he was white)?  Why is there only a female cow on the cover of "Goodnight Moon"? (What happened to gender equality?").  Where will it end?

      March 2, 2021 2:07 PM MST

  • 44782
    I haven't read all of the Bible, but I am sure there are numerous instances that someone would find offensive. How about discrimination of Jews?
      March 3, 2021 9:47 AM MST

  • 53717


      I seem to remember some feminists rallying against The Bible (and other religious/spiritually-related writings) due to depictions of general mistreatment of women.

      March 3, 2021 9:56 AM MST

  • This issue is being blown out of proportion anyhow. The Seuss estate has decided to take a few more obscure books out of print. It isn't top-down censorship. Seuss himself is not being canceled. Seuss was actively anti-racist and published political cartoons mocking "America first" attitudes during WWII. He was an interesting person. We won't be writing him off.
      March 3, 2021 2:39 PM MST