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Frustrate. Ingratiate. Infuriate. Exasperate. Bloviate. Eyeballrolliate.

ONLY USING words that end in the suffix -ate, what are some of the other negative ways teenagers interact with their parents?

Posted - March 9, 2021


  • 10798
    Congregate   (keep that bedroom door open, mister!)
    Copulate (When I find the S** who did this to you, I'm gonna castrate him!)

    Relocate   (You are NOT going to move in with that man, young lady.. you're only 15)

    Vegetate  (Get off that couch and go mow the lawn... right NOW!)

    Accumulate  (Clean your room!)

    Masturbate   (you don't need to be taking 30 minute showers, mister)

    Redecorate  (Why on earth did you paint your room black?)

    Misstate  (that's a lie and you know it!)

    Investigate  (You will NOT smoke that plant in my house, young man!)

    Associate  (That boy is a bad influence on you!)

    Suffocate  (Put your dirty clothes in the hamper, not under your bed!  And open a window in here; place smells like a horse's butt) 

    Pontificate (Don't you be giving me no attitude, young lady

    Duplicate  (I didn't raise me no cheater!)

    Illustrate   (I will not have you drawing naked women in my house, do you understand?!)

    Incarcerate  (I have better things to do than to bail your sorry *** out of jail!)

    Celebrate  (You're not going to any party where there's any alcohol, and thats final!)
      March 9, 2021 2:45 PM MST