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SAY WHAT? Russia and China want to build a moon station TOGETHER? Bad for whom?

Posted - March 10, 2021


  • 3719
    The Russian Federation and the Peoples' Republic of China have been quietly strengthening their alliance for some while now.

    China has opened at least one new railway from its North-West to join the Trans-Siberian Railway, cutting off a huge corner in the existing routes - it has ambitions to develop the old Silk Road routes to its own advantage but using those railways will also be trade for Russia.

    The two nations have held joint military exercises - rather ironically given that when they were both Communist, they had a very uneasy relationship that kept their Armies watching each other warily across their River Amur border.

    This latest proposal is a surprise though, and I don't know if they have explained its purpose. Obviously it is for their own benefit but what they aim to do there is open to question.

    Genuine astronomy? Very likely, but just that or also to disguise other activities? 

    Minerals mining? The Moon has nothing we don't have on Earth; but might have some in greater concentrations, I suppose. Even if it is possible to extract the minerals themselves from the ore while still on the Moon, surely sending worthwhile amounts back here would be difficult and extremely costly.

    Prestige? Almost certainly, but that won't be the only reason. 

    Military? Possibly - difficult to think in what way but they are hardly going to admit it, though.

    The RF has ideas above its station. Despite its vast size and mineral wealth, it is a relatively poor country with a GDP about the same as Italy's, but spread over a far greater area. It wants more, and interfering with other nations' internal politics and services is presumably one of its tools for acquiring more.

    The PRC is rich, has high imperialist ambitions, and wants to be the world's number one power and economy. It is currently second, to the USA.

    Among other things, China is not only responsible (as is Russia too) for floods of false Twitter and Facebook posts about anything from Covid-19 to the Scottish independence argument. It is now believed to be going much further, developing a new version of the Internet that can be monitored and controlled much more easily by Governments. An Internet not only for use within China but possibly as a part of "aid" packages to the countries China is courting and developing in Africa and South America.  

    How a joint RF/PCR Moon station fits those ambitions I cannot imagine, but prestige will be among the motives. The question is what will lie behind the publicity gloss.
      March 14, 2021 7:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness. I just struck the Mother Lode with this question. Thank you for your very thoughtful and informative analysis Durdle. So it's as bad as I think it is only worse?. I expect the USA will get plowed under at some point. Every country put it as delicately as I can... having its way with us it seems. How do we fight and win? Can Americans outthink outmaneuver Russians AND the Chinese who bond together against the world or just against us? Are they a lot smarter? I'm pretty sure they are more devious and more determined. Then we have other countries too. We know we have some friends. Canada, the U.K., Australia too maybe? Is that Russia/China combine just going to take over? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :) OY VEY!
      March 15, 2021 3:01 AM MDT