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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Genius or madness? Jealousy or ignorance? How do we decide if an idea is crazy or brilliant? Was Da Vinci thought to be crazy?

Genius or madness? Jealousy or ignorance? How do we decide if an idea is crazy or brilliant? Was Da Vinci thought to be crazy?

Were his sketches of what he foresaw frightening to those who saw them? Did they threaten or were they objects of derision? Was TESLA a mad scientist/genius.visionary?

A flying machine? A submarine? WHAT else did Da Vinci sketch that came to be reality?

How many visionaries are out there whom we write off as mad? I have no idea.

Do you write off things you don't comprehend understand as being impossible or ludicrous? Do your limitations form the world you accept/reject? If YOU don't comprehend it then it must be incomprehensible to everyone? As you go so goes the world? Your way or the highway? Either or? Ultimatum?

Political parties are formed on that specific foundation. How limiting and absurd is that?

Posted - March 14, 2021


  • 16630
    Da Vinci was so far ahead of his time that his most brilliant designs were just simply unbuildable at the time, the materials hadn't yet been devised. There's one school of thought that Leo may have been a time traveller who got stuck in the 16th century.
    As for Tesla, he was probably autistic. People and money didn't matter to him, his best designs were stolen and patented by others and the man himself just didn't care.
    Innovations have always been made by those who care little what others think. "I done told Wilbur and I told Orville and now I'm tellin' you - that contraption will never work."
      March 14, 2021 5:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Your tag line cracked me up! I wonder how many times those words or their counterparts were said out loud to a genius? A time traveler? Boy I hadn't heard that but do I ever adore it? Yep I do. I mean he was so brilliant at so many things. Being brilliant in ONE is unique enough but everything? OK. That tidbit adds to my storehouse of Da Vinci possibilities! Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply R! I wonder if such as he will ever walk this earth again? :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 14, 2021 7:38 AM MDT
      March 14, 2021 5:55 AM MDT