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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "FAKE NEWS" lied the biggest fake of them all. Even worse are the FAKE RELIGIONISTS. Know why?

"FAKE NEWS" lied the biggest fake of them all. Even worse are the FAKE RELIGIONISTS. Know why?

They abhor and ignore MATTHEW 25:40.

In essence it says that what you do to the "least" of we human beings you also do to the LORD.

In other words when you lie to others you lie to GOD. When you hate others you hate GOD. When you harm others you harm GOD. When you betray others you betray GOD.

FAKE RELIGIONISTS have the audacity to pray to a GOD whom they ignore completely? DO they think HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW PHONY THEY ARE? HOW FAKE INSINCERE EVIL?

HE watches everything they say/do. He knows about the attack on voting rights and civil rights. You think HE doesn't? Further proof you are full of it.

I would say shame on you but can't comprehend/understand that either. You are ill-equipped inadequate and weak. FAKE NEWS. FAKE RELIGIONISTS. PHONY BALONIES. If I see you and know what you are don't you think GOD sees you even more?

Repeating THE BIG LIE. Every time you do you are lying to GOD. I'd say that's very stupid dumb.

Posted - March 16, 2021


  • 2706
    You're correct, God does watch everything religionists do. However, what you need to remember and realize is that God watches everything that "everybody" does. And this "everybody" includes you. And He keeps books. Always be aware of that. So make no mistake, on Judgement Day, "all" of us will be held accountable for our actions.

      March 16, 2021 12:51 PM MDT

  • 33842
    How do we know who and who does not practice Matt 25:40? 

    We do not know what people do with their time nor their money. 

    It has NOTHING to do with taxes and welfare.  

    The people of the church and the church itself are responsible to take care of the poor.  

    Not the government. 
      March 16, 2021 4:50 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Good point and good answer.
      March 17, 2021 4:33 AM MDT