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Has there ever been an unexplained sound at night in your residence that you’re SURE you heard but never found what caused it?


Posted - March 19, 2021


  • 10560

    Sometimes, in the dark of night, when there's no moon out, and the cats are sound asleep beside me, I’ll hear what sounds like a lone, mournful guitar coming from the kitchen.  At first it sounds far, far away, but then it begins to come closer... closer.... closer.  After a bit, it stops, and I hear what sounds like muffled voices.  I can't make out any words, just vague whispers.  Occasionally a series of loud clicks or pops will briefly obscure the voices.  I’ll lay in bed, straining to make out any words, but there are none.  After a bit, the voices fade away and the sound of the guitar returns.  Soon it begins to fade, softer … softer   … softer  ...  until it’s finally gone and only silence remains.  Many is the time, I have ventured out into the kitchen to try and see where the sounds are coming from, yet the very instant I get within visual range of the kitchen, there's nothing but deathly silence.  All that’s in the kitchen is the soft blue light from the microwave clock casting an eerie shadow on the counter below.  However, once I go back to bed, the sounds quickly return.  When I try to tell others what I’ve heard, they just laugh and tell me it’s only my imagination, or that it’s my neighbors playing music.  But I know it’s not my imagination, and it’s definitely not the neighbors, as they work nights. 

      March 19, 2021 1:41 PM MDT