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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » “Colored people.” “People of color.” Nope, sorry, folks, but I fail to see any difference at all between the two insulting epithets.

“Colored people.” “People of color.” Nope, sorry, folks, but I fail to see any difference at all between the two insulting epithets.

It’s derogatory, backwards, demeaning and insulting to use the term “colored people”, yet “people of color” is fine?  That makes absolutely no sense to me.

From my perspective, it’s just as bad or even much worse when people refer to themselves and/or others of their ethnicity as “people of color”. Are there people somewhere who are transparent?


Posted - March 19, 2021


  • 44545
    I thought it was originally supposed to be PC, but your thoughts are quite valid. Perhaps you might convince Gayle King at the CBS morning news. She often says it.
      March 19, 2021 9:19 AM MDT

  • 53394


      There are scads of Black (or African American) people who quite happily use it, just as there are scads of Black (or African American) people who quite stringently oppose its use.

      March 19, 2021 9:32 AM MDT

  • 44545
    I love the word "scads". I haven't heard it for a while. Are you offended when folks write 'black people' uncapitalized? Just curious.
      March 19, 2021 9:35 AM MDT

  • 53394


      No, that doesn’t offend me because I doubt it’s done as an intentional slight in every instance. There is, however, a difference when using the word “blacks” (plural and without the words “people”, “men”, “women”, “children“, etc. following it), because that refers to cattle, livestock, etc.

      On a similar vein and a side note, I never refer to Jewish people as “Jews”, nor a Jewish person as “a Jew” because at a very young age, I learned that that can have negative connotations.


      March 19, 2021 9:46 AM MDT

  • 53394


      A Jewish man explained that to us in elementary school. I believe he was a substitute teacher, I can’t remember because it was so long ago, but I do know he wasn’t in my everyday life. I may have been in the second or third grade.

      March 19, 2021 9:51 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Man of Jewish heritage? 

      March 19, 2021 7:55 PM MDT

  • 53394

     I’m not sure of your point.

      Is the term Jewish rabbi incorrect? Jewish Rabbi? Jewish cleric?  Jewish scholar? Jewish mother? Jewish father?
      March 19, 2021 8:22 PM MDT

  • 10052
    It was sort of a joke, based on my initial response below and the  "person-first" point of view. 

    I'm able to understand different perspectives about a number of things. I understand the idea behind the popularization of the term 'person of color' and I understand the problem that you and many other people have with it. I try pretty hard to not offend people with the words I choose, but I'm sure I say things that some will find offensive. Some people have been offended by me not being offended by something, for cripe's sake. I'm not even kidding about that! 

    I do not think that your use of the term "Jewish man" was incorrect, politically or otherwise. 

      March 19, 2021 8:37 PM MDT

  • 53394


      I know exactly what you mean about others having a problem with you not having a problem with something with which they have a problem. Time to roll the eyes and move on, right?

      March 19, 2021 8:39 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Yes. I suppose I envy people whose lives are so exempt of any real problems that they're free to focus so much energy on finding new ways to be offended and outraged. No one they care for is ill or dying or disappearing before their eyes. 

    Some people live charmed lives, I guess? Or maybe their outrage is a distraction. 
      March 19, 2021 8:51 PM MDT

  • 44545
    I know about the negative connotations 'of a Jew', but it doesn't bother me if not used in a derogatory way. Years ago I had a Black student, when he discovered I was Jewish, said I didn't look Jewish. I held myself back and did not say he didn't look Black I did tell him it was offensive to me, though. He apologized and life went on.
      March 19, 2021 9:53 AM MDT

  • 53394
    I agree with your stance on that student’s remark.
      March 19, 2021 9:54 AM MDT

  • 44545
    Thank you.
      March 19, 2021 9:55 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I have often been told I don't "look" Jewish and my response is usually, "What is a Jew supposed to look like?"  Sometimes I respond, "That's because I had my horns removed and my nose fixed."  
      March 19, 2021 10:35 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I can understand "colored people" being offensive, so what description would you like used for non-Whites?  
      March 19, 2021 10:38 AM MDT

  • 53394

      Thank you, you have raised a valid point.

      Well, it’s certainly NOT “people of color”.  First of all, the word “white” itself describes a color in at least one of its definitions, and all human beings have a skin color, even Albino people. No one has see-through skin. While the words black, white, brown, red and yellow neither ACCURATELY describe skin tones nor skin color nor race nor ethnicity, to call some people “colored” or “of color” and to describe other people as “white” seems to dismiss the fact that all people have a color or are of a color, and if the aim is to differentiate Caucasian people from those who are not Caucasian, it does so in an ambiguous manner. On one hand, it can be seen as placing a hierarchy on those who are of color or on the other hand, a hierarchy on those who are supposedly not of color. To say that some people are of color and others are not of color is both  diminishing in referring to one group while snooty in referring to another group, as it is confusing as to whether or it is a positive or negative connotation. 

      There are some societies and some cultures in the world where referring to a person as being “Black” is derogatory. That is not entirely the case in the modern-day United States of America. Many people proudly and with confidence self-identify as being Black, I am included among them. Some people of my ethnicity here in the United States take fervent exception to being referred to as Black, and instead opt for African American, African-American, Afro-American, or other such choices or variations. I was among their number at one time until about age 20 or 21, I was comfortable with calling myself and others in the US of my ethnicity African Americans.  I no longer do that, and I have concrete and distinctly articulable reasons for having switched from referring to myself as African American and staunchly sticking with Black, a journeyed story of realization and edification that is probably just as long or longer than this response has already become.

      In my original posted question here, I challenged anyone to delineate the differences between “colored people“ and “people of color”, the former of which was considered acceptable for more than a century in this country, fell out of favor after the 1950s and early 1960s. (Both consecutive with “colored” and used interchangeably was the term “negro”.  It also fell out of favor.) The fact that “colored people“ is now considered an inferior designation, I do not understand how flipping the order of the words a preposition between them now all of a sudden changes the unacceptable to the acceptable.

      As to people of other ethnicities who are neither Caucasian nor Black, I cannot speak for their desire or lack thereof to be referred to as people of color, so I cannot answer that portion of your question. A large part of my general focus here is in allowing for self-identity as opposed to a negative identity being thrust upon people (see “American Indian” as an example). Like I stated above, I appreciate that it is confusing and frustrating to have so many directions to go in that one can unintentionally err without any intent to be negative. That’s why I phrased my question as I did; not to say how it should be, but more to ask what is the justification for “people of color” to be acceptable in the face of its relation to the pejorative “colored people”.

      In closing, and I state this because I have seen your participation in threads on this website where “people of color” is used not only quite frequently but also in and air of superiority as if it is the bain of correctness and respect (not specifically by you). There are some people who use the term yet have absolutely no idea that the debate over it goes back at least 20 years, and the term itself emerged in its current meaning over 45 years ago.  The race-related* events of the past 12 to 36 months have fed its use more often than in recent years, and that in turn fueled its more active use here on this AnswerMug website (a website that is approximately a decade old).  Not knowing the controversy surrounding it, some people use it without realizing there is a movement that wants to see it abolished for its insultiveness. I do not point a blaming nor shaming finger at anyone, I merely ask how or why they find it proper and adequate.

      March 19, 2021 2:44 PM MDT

  • 19938
    Let me re-phrase the question then:  What description would you like used for non-Caucasians?  
      March 20, 2021 7:55 AM MDT

  • 53394


      That’s what I answered above. I wasn’t stating there was anything wrong with your use of the word whites. 


      March 20, 2021 8:12 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I'm sorry, but I must have missed the answer in that ultra-long comment.  Could you possibly boil it down for me in a condensed version?  
      March 20, 2021 8:20 AM MDT

  • 53394


    Many people proudly and with confidence self-identify as being Black, I am included among them. Some people of my ethnicity here in the United States take fervent exception to being referred to as Black, and instead opt for African American, African-American, Afro-American, or other such choices or variations.


    As to people of other ethnicities who are neither Caucasian nor Black, I cannot speak for their desire or lack thereof to be referred to as people of color, so I cannot answer that portion of your question. 


      March 20, 2021 8:30 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Thank you.  I was hoping not to turn 76 reading another lengthy response. :)
      March 20, 2021 9:09 AM MDT

  • 19938
    How can you possibly know whether someone's preference is to be referred to as Black, African-American, Afro American, etc. unless you already know them?  I am sure Hispanics are equally irritated being labelled as such if they are from countries other than Hispañola (points for proper use of a tilde)?  The same would hold true for Asians - all lumped together as Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc.  There has to be some designation that would separate these similar groups from others without getting everyone's kickers in a twist.  
      March 20, 2021 9:18 AM MDT

  • 17566
    When we were children we were taught to refer to black people as colored people or Negroes.   We really only knew the black people who worked at our school and our church and we loved them and they have special places in my memory.  I grew up without a father in the house but the man who did the maintenance and helped in the kitchen when necessary at church was like everyone's uncle.  He was sweet but if he caught you doing something wrong he would march you to wherever you parents were.  But he also liked to sit on the steps with us kids and tell us funny stories about his life....never anything sad...always funny.  He also liked to throw about a football or baseball with the boys.  He was part of our lives.   There was a very similar person who worked in the church where I raised my kids and they loved him like kinfolk.  Of course by then we had black members in church but the kids still were drawn to that strong figure of the man of who knew how everything worked and how to fix it.   I grew up in Birmingham, AL and was never exposed to ugly racist stuff until we started hearing about what went on downtown and schools were to be integrated.  We just didn't go downtown and when I went to 9th grade was the year the schools were integrated.  The kids mostly handled it just fine but the boys sometimes got into scuffles but it was the fathers who were so angry.  I heard some fathers say some really mean things when I would visit friends.  Mom told us they were wrong and we knew to call her if we were ever visiting and became uncomfortable.    I did that a few times.   I even called her to come pick me up once because there was beer in the refrigerator.  That was the first time I saw beer and thought it was really bad.  *I'm laughing as I type.*   :) This post was edited by Thriftymaid at March 19, 2021 8:30 PM MDT
      March 19, 2021 11:54 AM MDT

  • 10560
    Call me weird, but whenever I hear the term "colored people" I immediately think of a young child drawing a picture on a person's face with their crayons, while that person is sleeping on the sofa.  (no I never did it, I just have a strange mind)
      March 19, 2021 12:04 PM MDT