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I don't understand why anybody would suport Hillary. She's an embarrassment!

She thinks she's above the law and as long as you (And you know who you are) keep supporting her it seems she is above the law. Didn't it concern any of you democrats that she didn't hand over key evidence when she was ordered to do so? Do you know what she did would have landed you and me in prison for years, besides lying under oath, which in its self is a crime, she destroyed evidence (Anybody that believes that crap about her not deleting anything except personal stuff must have the IQ of all the other single cell organisms found under DC in the waste system), interfered with a FBI investigation and obstructed justice just to name a few. Using unsecured servers like she did, knowing national security could very well be compromised because she didn't want to be bothered with having to show up at the office. We've all heard about her lapse of judgement when some of her employees called her numerous times asking for a bit more security, that in its self shows what she's all about, she once again lied to the nation but worse than that she tried to lie to family of the murder victims and when that wasn't going how she wanted she called a mother of one victim a liar in front of the entire world. That's not how low she can go, oh no, her and billy sold 25% of our uranium to the Russians for pocket change. That could be all the Russians need to come over here and clean us out. I wish I could stop here, unfortunately she sat us up with a major ammo dump. I'll stop here so you sheep can come up with a list of insults. Check out this information and prove me wrong. Stay tuned sheep I'll share more with you. Here's something ya'll should know, I'm not a Trump fan by any means, I am however going to support him with all I have for the simple fact that I know hillory as president would be the absolute worst thing we could do to our selves and our country. What I'm trying to say is save your trump trashing for some one else. But, anybody that's still backing Hillary is in serious need of deprogramming or the neutering doctor before you reproduce. If we get enough of you under the neutering knife we have a chance to eradicate stupid from with in our borders.

Posted - October 23, 2016


  • 2758
    People support Hillary largely for the same reasons people support Trump.  Neither candidate is anywhere close to an optimum choice for prez, but both have one thing in common: each of them is not 'the other guy.'

    There's no middle ground on Trump or Hillary: one might not be crazy about either one, but everybody hates the other guy worse.  Perhaps more than any other in American history, this 'election' cycle is run on hatred.  People are becoming unglued over it. Friends are breaking up on account of it. Couples are splitting on account of it. Jobs are being lost on account of it...and the media has sacrificed every semblance of ethics/credibility on account of it.

    One or the other of these asshats will be the next president--prolly Hillary--but it'll take years to repair the damage done to this republic by this election--let alone by whomever ends up in office.

      October 23, 2016 1:51 AM MDT

  • 44
    I hope you are wrong, Hillary is perhaps more suited for a straight jacket than the oval office. She's given her soul up to greed. I don't know if there is a limit to what she would do for power and money. That's what her life is and that's what she has dedicated her entire life to and God have mercy on what ever gets in her way, including family.
      October 23, 2016 2:09 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Understand. I don't like Hillary--a LOT. She's a political opportunist with the scruples of an alley cat. She eats her husband's victims for lunch while simultaneously delighting in the occasional (mixed-gender if rumors are accurate) tryst herself.  She has a list of 'suicided' opponents as long as her arm AND she's positively outstanding at getting people (mainly diplomatic staff) killed.

    But, loathsome as the idea may be, she WILL be our next president.  Even if she doesn't win the popular election (which will be tabulated by the corporations who are friendly to her), she'll win the electoral college--prolly by the biggest landslide since Nixon-McGovern. Prepare now.  I mean it.
      October 23, 2016 2:17 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I'm prepared. No matter what anyone says about her, her winning will be a much better outcome than the alternative. Don't forget, we elected that crook Nixon twice.
      October 23, 2016 11:37 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Whose this 'we,' pal? :-)  I wasn't even a gleam in my daddy's eye when that atrocity was committed.
      October 23, 2016 2:02 PM MDT

  • 13277
    We as in the USA. I was 8 and 12 when he was elected.
      October 23, 2016 3:04 PM MDT

  • 44
    You sir are so wrong it's actually scarey. I think you have allowed mainstream media to program you. You need to step back and research her and trump. Her corruption has no limits, but lets put that to the side for a minute and look at something else. I'm sure you won't do it because you don't want to know the truth, google refugee's in Europe and look at the mess the mainstream media won't air for reasons I don't understand. If Hillory brings 600,000 refugee's over here we will be screwed. We are so far in debt that we will never get out if we don't get somebody that understands business. I tell you this, Hillory is a pathological liar, you can check a gov. web site and I don't recall which one it was but you can find it fairly easy, Bill never, ever, never had a surplus as president and there will never be one with Hillory. But back to the refugee problem, I think it's safe to say they will bring very little as far as providing for themselves. What that means is they will automatically get, food stamps, medical and I think it's safe to say a lot of them will need medical attention. Housing, the majority will be homeless. Special schools, dental attention, clothes, transportation and many more. This will also effect taxes in as much as Americans will lose jobs and the refugee's will probably not have to pay taxes. With Hillory offering free college for any body that crosses the border along with all that other crap she says she's going to be giving away, you figure that out, does she have some kind of magic beans that leads to golden gooses, the government can't give anything away that they don't take from some body else that worked for it. We're at a point where we're having a hard time taking care of our selves, I my self do not want to be a slave to some piece of crap that hates me who shouts death to Americans. They're mission is to take the world over, which many have admitted. They are beheading Christians and any other that don't follow they're ways. You can expect a lot more attacks of terrorism and chaos. That by itself should have you rethink voting for Hillory. How about how she back peddles such as gun control, I think she was clearly talking about a major attack on the 2nd amendment and did you hear what she said about it a week ago, she meant toddlers, she don't think toddlers shouldn't have any gun rights. Dude, voting for somebody that admits she short circuits is in no way a good idea and voting for her will be the biggest mistake you will ever make, I mean unless you hate America.
      October 25, 2016 1:33 AM MDT

  • 13277
    No, you're the one who's been programmed - too much Breitbart, Drudge, and Fox News have fried your brain. The fact is that the right put itself and you in the position of having to deal with Hillary Clinton as your next president with all its extreme anti-Obama rhetoric and legislative obstruction over the last 8 years.

    Read the following and weep. President Obama warned the right and now it's coming back in their collective face -
      October 25, 2016 6:18 PM MDT

  • 13277
    She may be an embarrassment, but Trump is a narcissistic demagogue, not to mention kind of a moron. That's why she's about to become President Clinton.
      October 23, 2016 2:06 AM MDT

  • 44
    I hope your wrong dude, every promise she's made was  lies. There is no way she can bring in 100's of 1000's of muslims and give them free classes at Yale. So now because she lost supporters over her talk of gun control she's switched sides and said she was talking about keeping toddlers from owning guns and not grown ups. I hope your not thinking about voting for that creature.
      October 23, 2016 2:18 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I'm not wrong - just look at the numbers - It could be a landslide. And BTW, check your facts - nobody advocates free tuition at Yale or other private universities. And nobody's a creature. I will vote for her because she's much more qualified and suited than Trump to be president - it's not even close. If you don't like the idea of her becoming President Clinton, blame the GOP for nominating a narcissistic, misogynistic demagogue and hope they do a better job in 2020. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at October 23, 2016 11:24 AM MDT
      October 23, 2016 11:23 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Right.  Trump talks trash about women. Hillary lies, gets people killed, has complete disregard for the law and an equivalent contempt for the American people...but again, you're right. She will be the next prez.  Americans' self loathing is THAT intense.
      October 23, 2016 2:19 AM MDT

  • 13277
    It's really the Republican Party's fault. A stronger candidate, perhaps Kasich or Rubio, might have wiped the floor with Hillary. They shot themselves in the foot and handed the presidency to her by nominating Trump. It may also cost them control of the Senate and/or the House.
      October 23, 2016 11:16 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Correct. All counts.  America's self-loathing still accounts for the popularity of Clinton.
      October 23, 2016 1:40 PM MDT

  • 372
    Every single thing you have brought up against Hillary has been answered ad infinitum on dozens of internet sites, just about every major (and minor) newspaper in the United States, TV media, Republicans and Democrats sitting on Congressional Committees, and law enforcement including the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

    Why in the world do you continue to bring these things up? THEY'VE BEEN ANSWERED !!

    Is it simply to throw mud hoping some will stick even at this late date? Well, if that's the case, it's too late. 
      October 23, 2016 2:39 AM MDT

  • 2758
    "Why in the world do you continue to bring these things up? THEY'VE BEEN ANSWERED !!"

    Because they have NOT been 'answered' to anyone's satisfaction (except, possibly, her media and business lackeys and the moroons who support her). Questions REMAIN as to her:

    Blithering incompetence in Libya and Iraq

    Personal vendettas on the women who were courageous enough to call her husband on his misogynistic and, in a few cases, flatly illegal behavior

    Contempt of the law in regard to her private email server, documents relating to her activities at the Rose Law Firm and various shady dealings from her days in Mina, Arkansas

    Contempt for Whitehouse staff (e.g., secret service personnel and the Whitehouse Travel Office)

    Contempt for at least HALF of the American people--i.e., those 'irredeemable' individuals who dare take issue with her unbridled malevolence.  You know, the ones who belong in the "basket of deplorables"?

    Edit: here's the Big List. Get comfy. It's gonna take you a while to read it:

    This post was edited by Transquesta at October 23, 2016 8:10 AM MDT
      October 23, 2016 3:02 AM MDT

  • 372
    I don't think a website that hasn't yet dropped "birtherism" has any credibility among either Republicans or Democrats or Independents.

    As for the other comments you made, they have been hashed and rehashed and I don't intend to do more hashing at your request. If the anti-Clinton people had used their considerable energies in finding a suitable candidate to run against her, there would be little need to criticize Hillary Clinton. You've heated your soup, now drink it. 

    One last revealing comment about how you see "facts" - the "basket of deplorables" was hardly " least HALF of the American people". I'll leave you to work that one out.
      October 23, 2016 4:16 AM MDT

  • 2758
    1) Either the data/information at the site is correct or it is not. If you dispute it's accuracy, dispute it on/by facts alone.  Deriding the site/source is a common, tired canard of both sides.

    2) I'm not a repugnican.  I think the repugnican party base took complete leave of their senses when they picked this a$$ clown. I didn't 'heat' this 'soup,' IOW.  Try again. ;-)

    3) The point remains: attacking the voters is a no-no regardless of the percentages.
      October 23, 2016 1:44 PM MDT

  • 372
    I agree with #3. It was probably the stupidest thing she did. Politics 101.

    I think "birtherism" is an excellent way to gauge the veracity of a website. An obvious lie in one thing indicates probable lies in other things.

    "Misrepresentation" is probably a better word then "lie". After all, they may actually believe birtherism, which is even more indicative of a skewed mind-set than an outright lie.

    I do not intend to argue the facts of that site - it's already been done. If there is still a need to see rebuttals, Google to your heart's content. It's all there waiting for you.
      October 23, 2016 2:18 PM MDT

  • 2758
    1) See? If we try, people of all political stripes can find common ground. :-)

    2) Careful.  "Birtherism" was hatched by the HRC campaign when she was vying for top slot against Obama.  This is an established historical fact.  That conswervatives ran with the opportunity which democrats gave them is only natural.

    3) I'm no fan of WND myself.  They used to be an excellent alternative news site/source. Now they're an ad mill/bug zapper for the stupid.  The list, though, was a) the first one that popped up in a search (i.e., "big list hillary clinton"), and b) by no means the only source available. To wit:

    4) Indeed it is!  IF you're adventurous enough. :-)

      October 23, 2016 2:31 PM MDT

  • 2758

    Ask Bernie Sanders supporters whether any of these charges (INCLUDING election rigging!) have been answered to their satisfaction.
      October 23, 2016 3:07 AM MDT

  • 5354
    There is a handy internet acronym: 'TLDR'. It is most appropriate for your 'question'.
      October 23, 2016 6:42 AM MDT

  • 13277
      October 23, 2016 11:39 AM MDT

  • 3191
    TLDR = Too long, didn't read.
      October 23, 2016 1:56 PM MDT