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How I ended up jobwise is a complete surprise to me. Is that true for you too or did you always know what you wanted to do and did it?

Posted - March 20, 2021


  • 16630
    I was never able to do what I wanted to.
    As a child, I always wanted to fly. Even as a kid I was enough of a realist to know that the only way I could afford that was via the military, so I set my heart on learning to fly C130 Hercules transports and P3C Orion surveillance aircraft, then transferring to civil aviation at the conclusion of my RAAF "hitch". Even though I cut my teeth reading Biggles and watching Baa Baa Black Sheep, I never saw myself as a fighter pilot - I wanted to fly the big ones.
    In my teens I suffered a reality check - the eyes were not going to cut it, I needed glasses (still do) for distance. So I set my sights a little lower, sit in the control tower and help the boys and girls upstairs get to where they needed to go, as an Air Traffic Controller. Passed the psych and aptitude tests - failed the medical.
      March 20, 2021 3:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You and my Jim. He does have a pilot's license for small aircraft. His cousin was a pilot for some airline. But as it turned out he never was able to get there. He wears glasses now and has for years. Of course he is retired but his heart will be in the sky to fly. I did not know pilots had to have good vision without glasses. Air Traffic Controllers lead very stressful lives m'dear. I mean you have the lives of thousands of people in your hands every day. I don't know how long they last at it but I'd never want that much responsibility. I'm sorry that you were not able to realize your dreams m'dear. I hope you have had happy times doing what you've done and some very good memories. I never aspired to anything in particular. I was never ambitious or driven to achieve anything. Looking back on that me all I expected was to go to college get married have kids. I don't know how many other gals only aspired to that but in my time that was what women were expected to do and aspired to. Not all of them of course. I know my mom was disappointed that I didn't achieve anything she could brag about. LIke "my daughter the doctor". I skipped a few grades so I think she expected me to do something special with my life. Looking back I did darn well under the circumstance. Things just fell in my lap R. I never had to fight for anything or struggle. It just came to me. Why I don't know. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply. At least you had a dream. Must be nice! :)
      March 20, 2021 4:22 AM MDT

  • 44545
    My Navy career was a necessity...join or get drafted and possibly get shot at. My teaching career...something I wanted to do when I taught at a Navy school.
      March 20, 2021 3:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You didn't have a rich daddy who could buy your way out with a phony excuse. You possibly probably believe that serving your country is an honorable thing to do. I think it's wonderful that you were able to do something you wanted to do career-wise. How did teaching at Navy school come about E? Did they ask you to do it or did you ask if you could do it? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine! :)
      March 21, 2021 2:27 AM MDT

  • 44545
    I taught at the Navy Electronics School in Great Lakes, IL for 4 years. I loved it and decided that's what I wanted to do when I retired.
      March 21, 2021 9:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did the students WANT to be there? Remember Old School? He loved teaching but because very annoyed at some of his students who were just putting in time and not really there to learn anything. I think being a GOOD teacher requires much patience and also some kindness Having students who WANT to be there and WANT to learn what you have to teach is a special high When the "light comes on" and they GET it you can see it and feel it! Thank you for your reply E and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :).
      March 22, 2021 4:32 AM MDT

  • 44545
    The students were assigned there. The electronics school had high standards for academics, so entrance exam scores had to be high.
      March 22, 2021 7:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine.
      March 29, 2021 4:30 AM MDT

  • 5451
    I never thought about it until I was a teenager, then when I thought about it, I wanted to be a truck driver.  My high school guidance counselor tried to talk me out of it because I had a 3.95 GPA, so she thought I should‘ve gone to college.  She scheduled a meeting with my dad to try to get him to get me to change my mind, but my dad backed me up.  I got my commercial driver’s license on my 18th birthday, and two weeks later I found a trucking company owner who was willing to give me a chance.  Since I was 18, I couldn’t drive across state lines or be licensed to haul double or triple trailers, tankers or hazardous materials.  I found a job hauling refrigerated loads where I stayed in my own state.  It was a daytime driving job where I went to work in the morning and went home every night.

    When I got pregnant the first time, I couldn’t drive a truck so my company moved me into the office for those nine months.  I now have some experience with dispatching, handling accidents (nothing major, thankfully) and I have experience with getting permits and licenses.

    I never went back to work at that company after I had my twins.  However, my husband has his own freight brokerage business and he owns a few trucks of his own.  He currently has three drivers working for him, so I help out with the business sometimes.  He works from his home office.

    This post was edited by Livvie at March 22, 2021 7:59 AM MDT
      March 20, 2021 5:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You just blew me away Liv! GOOD FOR YOU sweetie! Honestly I think that is remarkable that you knew what you wanted to do at such a young age and YOU DID IT! Despite the difficulties and the limitations YOU DID IT! Both of Jim's sons were LONG HAULERS. His oldest son David passed away several years ago sadly from cancer. But Gary still drives a more long hauler though. He now works for a great company called WASTE MANAGEMENT. They are a green company trash pickup service. His route is commercial businesses and restaurants for trash pickup. He's home every night whereas long-haulers can sometimes spend weeks on the road at a time. My brother-in-law Terry was a DISPATCHER for years. You did it all! And what a help you are to your husband! And you have twins to boot? Wow. SUPERWOMAN! Seriously. I'm much too timid to ever take on a job like that. Kudos Liv! Thank you for sharing that. It's INSPIRING. Happy Sunday to thee and thine! :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 22, 2021 1:18 AM MDT
      March 21, 2021 2:33 AM MDT

  • 13277
    No. I didn't discover my affinity and aptitude for tax work until my late 40s, although I did take several accounting classes as part of my MBA program years earlier.
      March 22, 2021 8:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
    No MBA for me. In fact I just have an A.A. degree in Liberal Arts. Started off as a file clerk, then secretary then administrative assistant and eventually ended up an INTERNAL AUDITOR. I had an affinity for numbers and I worked with many very fine knowledgeable CPA's who'd come in yearly to audit our work. Particularly a young woman name Miki who taught me a lot about doing working papers and logic and being meticulous and not slipshod or half-a**ed.. Who knew? Thank you for your reply SSB and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      March 29, 2021 4:33 AM MDT

  • 33842
    I took accounting in school. But got in a wreck and got pregnant so did not finish. But I learned enough I can do the basic bookkeeping. I can file basic taxes for people and file my own for business. We are not incorporated or I would learn that as well. 

    We have had two businesses. One doing construction. (Hated that no one want to pay even after you are done and they are happy. We had some tell got that done to fast. You charged me too much. Never again. Someone would get hurt.

    We make yard ornaments now. Retail used to do only wholesale.  Less stress. I get to paint and still get to do the accounting and bookkeeping.  Creative and of both worlds. 
      March 29, 2021 6:24 AM MDT