Oh my goodness! How remarkable is that? Oh my goodness. Thank you for your informative reply R. Can you even begin to imagine how satisfying it would be to be able to do that wondrous thing? SAVE A LIFE before it is even born? Well it shows there is much good in the world. It just doesn't get publicity like the bad does. Why is that? Gonna ask.
The doctor performs a service REQUESTED by someone else E. It is not his/her CHOICE. It is the choice of the "other". Now I'm sure some doctors would refuse to perform an abortion as some pharmacists refuse to fill prescriptions for BIRTH CONTROL PILLS. I don't know if any doctor is ever joyful or thrilled or excited about it. I also don't know what's going on in the mind or life of the person requesting it. I don't blame doctors at all. I'm sure they'd far rather SAVE lives than take them. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. :)
I know that. You said WILLING. What rhymes with that? By now you surely have noticed I enjoy rhymes. What else rhymes with WILLING. FILLING HILLING (climbing hills?) ILLING (being sick) KILLING MILLING NILLING (nil on steroids) PILLING(pillpoppers) SHILLING (you know what a shill is right?) STILLING (motionless) TILLING (soil). I chose thrilling. You pick whichever you please. Free country. Free choice. I chose mine and you can certainly object to that. Thank you for your reply. My father thanks you. My mother thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you. Favorite quote from YANKEE DOODLE DANDY starring Jimmy Cagney. Adieu so long goodbye au revoir auf wiederzehn Toodle oo. Farewell Adios. For now.
This post was edited by RosieG at March 22, 2021 7:12 AM MDT
i never knew it was possible until I watched this girls vlog on YouTube, her baby has spina bifida and they did fetal surgery. she still ended up having a normal vaginal delivery also. pretty amazing what doctors can do these days