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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TRAITORS in our military? TRAITORS in our police departments? Welcome to America circa FOOTOO. Who knew?

TRAITORS in our military? TRAITORS in our police departments? Welcome to America circa FOOTOO. Who knew?

Until January 6 and the FOOTOO insurrectioning we had no clue did we?

All thanks to FOOTOO who brought out of the woorwork up from the scrum.

Are we better for knowing? Sadder yes. But better off?

Posted - March 24, 2021


  • 2706
    American history. Read it. We have had traitors in our military, in our police departments, and I might add, traitors within our own government since the founding of the United States. And, unfortunately, we still do.

     But, I guess turning a blind eye to that history and blaming a former politician for all of the ills of today is a lot easier than facing those facts. For some, their blind hatred distorts their rationality and blinds their ability to recognize truth even when it slaps them upside the head. Welcome to today's America. As always, this is my opinion
      March 24, 2021 9:32 AM MDT