0, the mile tax is ridiculous. Just tracking the miles would be an impossible undertaking therefore the government will probably just add more tax to a gallon of gas.
Cars have computers now. It could easily track your mileage and report it to you for tax purposes. They have trackers that are used for insurance companies now to get a discount. So would not be that hard. Gov would likely give insurance a kick back for reporting your mileage to them.
They already have a gas tax. This is a new tax they are talking about based on your miles driven. So they still get the people with electric cars and car with good mileage per gallon.
They could use the standard mileage rate for taxes, 58 cents. But I don't think it can be tracked by the federal government any more than business mileage reported on tax returns can be tracked. Using a device like insurance companies do may constitute an invasion of privacy.