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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you morose, out of sorts due to "stuff" outside your control? More so about the state of the world, your country/state/species?

Are you morose, out of sorts due to "stuff" outside your control? More so about the state of the world, your country/state/species?

Posted - March 28, 2021


  • 2706
     Morose, no. Out of sorts? No. Concerned, yes. Very concerned about the state of the world and more specifically, the United States. Everyone old enough to know the difference and who actually cares should be concerned about what's happening in this country.

    If they aren't concerned about what's happening then perhaps they are part of the problem. They are more than happy to point fingers, attack, vilify, complain, mock, whine, and moan. Yet they simply don't care enough about our freedoms and rights to actually try to help to solve our problems. Those are not the actions of a true patriot.

     Perhaps this article may help someone to understand what a true patriot is:
      March 28, 2021 9:18 AM MDT