I don't know if you saw my question about apps yesterday m2c but there are millions of them. Each app costs money doesn't it? I know the phones comes with basic stuff but how many apps can a smart phone have? Thank you for your reply :)
They are? I did not know that. So if they are given away what's in it for the makers? Thank you for the feedback m2c. How many apps do you have available to you and how many of them do you actually use? Happy Friday to thee and thine! :)
Like what? Are any of them games like CANDY CRUSH which I have seen advertised? 35 seems like a LOT to me but considering there are millions of apps I guess that's a very modest usage. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Saturday to thee and thine! :)
Well Jim has a Smart Phone he plays with all the time. I never touch it. I'm not a cell phone fan. I was long ago when it was just a phone. I mean if you are stuck somewhere you can call for help. Also when Jim is out and about I can always reach him which is comforting. Beyond that? AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply ru and Happy Thursday to you and yours! :)
I rarely turn on my flip phone. I use it mainly when I drive somewhere. Just in case my truck breaks down or something along those lines. The phone I use the most is my home phone that's plugged into my DSL service. I thought about getting a Smart Phone but I'm not smart enough to use one. :) You have a great Thursday and Friday.
Hahahahahahahahah! You're not smart enough to get a smart phone eh? Well get one and maybe it will seep in? The smarts? Just joking. I liked cell phones when they were just phones. To have one with you just in case you needed assistance I thought was brilliant. But then the cell phone became the holy grail and bazillions are addicted to them? Not my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply ru and Happy Friday to you and yours.
It is against the law for any driver in Michigan to text while driving. Talking on the phone while driving is banned only for teens on a driver’s permit, truck drivers, and school bus drivers.
I do turn on my cell phone when I drive. But, even though it's legal for me to talk on the phone while I drive, I won't answer it when it rings while I'm driving. I'll pull over and stop the truck first before I answer it. I'm funny that way I guess. I'm always very aware of my surroundings when I drive and I want to keep it that way. :)
The obsession with being always available and having to respond immediately really puzzles me. People are deathly afraid they are going to miss out on something if they don't keep hooked up and respond ASAP. Why is that? Do you have any clue because I sure don't. Thank you for youre reply ru! :)
There's nothing wrong with being available to help someone but being obsessed with the idea is unworkable because you can't help everyone all the time. I used to have that obsession and would feel guilty if I couldn't help everyone all the time. It got to the point where it began to take a toll on me mentally and physically.
One person can't save the whole world. However, if you can be there for two or three people, those same two or three people can be there for two or three others. It's the old snowball effect. A pay it forward situation. One person starts the process and it grows from there. Helping just one person can start something big. At least, that's how I see anyhow. I may be wrong. :)
That's not what I'm talking about ru. If that is how you view a cell phone...being an instrument to HELP others..then I salute you. But that's NOT it. Not by a long shot. There are not all that many people who LIKE to help people or even consider doing so. I mean look around you at the state of the world. Where are there HOTBEDS of helpers? If everyone were like you think of how swell a world this would be? No. They use the phone for their own needs mostly. Selfishly I might add. SIGH. Thank you for your reply ru and Happy Saturday to you and yours! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at April 3, 2021 3:17 AM MDT