Actually, the payer is just a customer. The person who supplies the “goods” and puts them on the open market for purchase is the whore.
One may say a prostitute is “working”, meaning they are supplying a service to customers (like a plumber or a landscaper). However, renting out one’s body to a stranger for sex is called whoring. The purchaser isn’t the whore, as they aren’t supplying. They are simply purchasing a commodity that a vendor is selling. Where there is a product, there will be a purchaser.
A person who puts their body up for rent just so another person can gratify their sexual desires with it is beyond repulsive. Granted the rentee (payer) shouldn’t be trying to rent out another person’s body (and should be utterly disgusted with themselves for even thinking about it). However, if there were no “goods” for sale, then there couldn’t be any customers. Therefore, the renter is the true whore, not the rentee.
Addictions? Are we on the same topic? Just because some guy wants to get his rocks off doesn't mean he has an addiction. Yes, there are definitely people who are addicted to sex. However, I seriously doubt that everyone who visits a prostitute is a sex addict. Most are horny and want to get laid. 90% of all teenagers are horny. Does that make them all sex addicts? I can guarantee you that not all teens "get some". There are some teen males who take vows of abstinence, preferring rather to "save themselves for marriage" than give into their lusts. They still have the same desires and urges as any other teen, but they learn to control those urges, instead of letting those urges control them. It may not be easy, but it IS possible!