Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Great News for you gun lovers! Since January1 there have been 147 MASS SHOOTINGS in america. Will this year be our best year ever?

Great News for you gun lovers! Since January1 there have been 147 MASS SHOOTINGS in america. Will this year be our best year ever?

Will we outdo ourselves when compared with all prior years? Think if we work hard and try hard one day we will reach that magic goal of 1000 gun-related mass massacres in one year? TEN THOUSAND? ONE THOUSAND a day somewhere in amurrica? What's to stop us? Pick a goal and work your a** off and you too will be a success!

Posted - April 17, 2021


  • 11418
    That is over 30 mass shootings a month  so I hope this is the peek and mass shooting start  to decline. Cheers and happy weekend!
      April 17, 2021 10:07 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I do too but it will escalate. There are  a lotta nuts out there who are FOOTOO ADORING A**KISSING gun folks. Grab a gun and go right out and murder someone! Get in the news. Be noticed. That is the goal of all FOOTOO wackadoodlenoodle crackpot adoring worshippers. Every death enhances their value to him. Do you have any doubt they are all performing FOR HIM? Lost cause m'dear. Sad to say. Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      April 17, 2021 10:20 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Never mind your FOOTOO and his fans. They are not the only ones and thankfully, most are probably all mouth no action.

    What is going on to make your country by far the worst among the developed "Western" nations for such outrages; excepting terrorist and drug-cartel violence? 

    Random shootings of innocent people do occur in other countries too, but are very rare. The worst in the UK, the Dublane school massacre in Scotland 25 years ago, was only of only about four in forty years, and the only one that attacked a school.

    One difficulty is trying to establish what's behind it is that most of the murderers are dead too, either by suicide or being shot by others at the scene. That means  no-one knows their motives. The Police try to make intelligent guesses from background information, internet-use analysis and the like; but it is still only speculation.
      April 19, 2021 3:46 AM MDT