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AnswerMug Challenge Series, Scrabble a Whopper of a Word Edition:

Using the letters in the name of the Canadian province “Saskatchewan”, please list as many different cities around the world as you name. 

1) you may use any language, not just English, just as long as the letters are found in the word “Saskatchewan”. Regardless of which language you use for a particular entry, spelling counts

2) Saskatchewan cannot be one of your entries, it is the base word from which this challenge derives

3) your entries must be cities, not countries or provinces or prefectures or states, etc., UNLESS they are cities that share the same name as those

4) you may use cities that no longer exist

5) Enjoy!


Posted - April 17, 2021


  • 926
    Achan, Florida
    Anes, Tennessee
    Anse, Mississippi
    Ante, Virginia
    Antes, California
    Asa, Kentucky
    Ash, North Carolina
    Ashawa, Iowa
    Ashcake, Virginia
    Aska, Georgia
    Askew, Mississippi
    Aten, Nebraska
    Athens, Georgia
    Atka, Alaska
    Awe, Kentucky
    Casa, Arkansas
    Case, Missouri
    Cash, Arkansas
    Cass, West Virginia
    Cassa, Wyoming
    Castana, Iowa
    Chase, Wisconsin
    Chew, Washington
    Estaca, New Mexico
    Hanks, North Dakota
    Heath, Massachusetts
    Hess, Oklahoma
    Hest, Missouri
    Kane, Illinois
    Kasaan, Alaska
    Kent, Ohio
    Kew, Michigan
    Kewa, Washington
    Naches, Washington
    Naka, Louisiana
    Nash, Virginia
    Nass, Washington
    Nat, Texas
    Sachse, Texas
    Saks, Alabama
    Sank, Missouri
    Santa, Idaho
    Seth, West Virginia
    Shaw, Tennessee
    Shaws, Illinois
    Shea, Tennessee
    Swan, Texas
    Swansea, Massachusetts
    Tacna, Arizona
    Tea, South Dakota
    Thane, Alaska
    Waka, Texas
    Wake, Virginia
    Wan, Virginia
    Wana, West Virginia
    Waseca, Minnesota
    Watha, North Carolina
    Wes, Oklahoma
    Weta, South Dakota
    Wheat, West Virginia
    Aachen, Germany
    Acht, Netherlands
    Asen, Norway
    Caen, France
    Cahan, France
    Cestas, France
    Echt, Netherlands
    Haste, Germany
    Naha, Japan This post was edited by Flint Ironstag at April 21, 2021 6:42 PM MDT
      April 19, 2021 3:09 AM MDT

  • 53691


      I am not only wholly unworthy, I am also thoroughly impressed!  You’ve done a great job here! Would you believe that when I posted this, the only city I had in mind was Caen?  I look at your list of entries, and I’ve driven through Ash, North Carolina and I was stationed near Naha, Japan. You richly earned Asker’s Pick.

      April 19, 2021 5:58 AM MDT

  • 926
    Ace, Texas
    Aneta, North Dakota
    Aneth, Utah
    Athena, Oregon
    Cana, Virginia
    Chaska, Minnesota
    Ethan, South Dakota
    Etna, California
    Hana, Hawaii
    Hanska, Minnesota
    Kansas, Alabama
    Nehawka, Nebraska
    Sasakwa, Oklahoma
    Tenaha, Texas
    Wanatah, Indiana
    Washta, Iowa
    Wasta, South Dakota
    Watseka, Illinois
    Anah, Iraq
    Asaka, Japan
    Aswan, Egypt
    Kahta, Turkey
    Naka, Japan
    Neka, Iran
    Sakata, Japan
    Sanaa, Yemen  This post was edited by Flint Ironstag at April 22, 2021 3:26 AM MDT
      April 22, 2021 3:25 AM MDT