Using the letters in the name of the Canadian province “Saskatchewan”, please list as many different cities around the world as you name.
1) you may use any language, not just English, just as long as the letters are found in the word “Saskatchewan”. Regardless of which language you use for a particular entry, spelling counts
2) Saskatchewan cannot be one of your entries, it is the base word from which this challenge derives
3) your entries must be cities, not countries or provinces or prefectures or states, etc., UNLESS they are cities that share the same name as those
4) you may use cities that no longer exist
5) Enjoy!
I am not only wholly unworthy, I am also thoroughly impressed! You’ve done a great job here! Would you believe that when I posted this, the only city I had in mind was Caen? I look at your list of entries, and I’ve driven through Ash, North Carolina and I was stationed near Naha, Japan. You richly earned Asker’s Pick.