Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » How much of the news you receive by various media do you need to know; and the rest is just entertainment?

How much of the news you receive by various media do you need to know; and the rest is just entertainment?

Is the bank robbery on 5th & Main or the hit-and-run at Maple & First need to know items or just space filler 'entertainment'  kind of of news?

Posted - April 23, 2021


  • 53531


      More than 90% of what is disguised as “news” these days is nothing but corporate profit-seekers trying to outdo their competitors for ratings, market share, clicks, etc. Furthermore, I don’t know what the words “journalist” and “journalism” are supposed to mean nowadays, or what’s being “taught” in the (majority liberal) colleges and universities on the subject, I don’t know what new hirees are indoctrinated to do about “reporting the news”, but I find it extremely lacking, slanted, shoddy and substandard. 


      April 23, 2021 11:45 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Holy cow..! No kidding? 

    I never thought it might be that bad.
      April 24, 2021 1:19 AM MDT

  • 44659
    There is very little of the news I need to know other than the weather. And I only need to see that once. I have been regularly coming here during the evening news, and go back down when Jeopardy comes on.
      April 24, 2021 12:58 PM MDT