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Do you know anyone who had previously decided against receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for their own personal health concerns, but has now

changed their mind thanks to anti-maskers who pressured government officials to lift the mask requirements in indoor public spaces? 

I do!  I mean, you know the snowflakes afraid of a thin piece of paper or cloth over their mouth and nose for short periods of time definitely aren't getting vaccinated! 

I wonder if the anti-maskers will still feel proud of themselves if such persons end up being among the alleged THOUSANDS who have been killed by the vaccine? I'll bet they will. Some will even go so far as to say the person got what he/she deserved because they were dumb enough to get vaccinated. 

What a world we live in, eh folks? 

Posted - April 30, 2021


  • 5450
    I personally don’t know anyone who changed their mind either way.  The people I know who were already planning to get the shots got them and the people who were already opposed to them are still opposed to them.

    Out of all of the people I know, whether or not they got the COVID vaccine is based entirely on their religion and politics.  Most people in my family are either irreligious or they’re mainstream Christians who go to politically neutral churches.  They’re also neither politically liberal nor politically conservative.  All of them are either fully vaccinated or are waiting to get their second shots.

    I have a couple of evangelical Christians in my family who go to churches that merge right wing politics and Christianity.  They’re the minority in my family.  None of them are getting the COVID vaccine, and they really don’t think you should either.  I’m in the irreligious and politically centrist group, but my mom is a politically right evangelical Christian.  The pastor of her church tore Franklin Graham a new one in one of his sermons for endorsing getting the COVID vaccine.
      April 30, 2021 11:21 PM MDT

  • 10052
    It's the combination of their refusal to mask and refusal to be vaccinated that truly angers me. Add in that they claim to embrace Christianity (and think THEIR brand of Christianity is the only correct one), yet clearly give zero f*cks about protecting others... it's laughable, but it really angers me. 

    Your mom's pastor tearing Franklin Graham a new one proves my point precisely. Their whacko brand of Christianity is the only correct one. 

    Thanks, Livvie. 
      May 1, 2021 8:49 AM MDT

  • 5450
    If you were her daughter, you’d certainly have plenty of stuff to argue with her about.  She ignored all of the coronavirus recommendations and only wore a mask if the place where she was shopping absolutely enforced it. My husband and I followed all of the recommendations.  I didn’t argue with my mom too much about that because we have enough material for epic battles already.  I hate conflict, so I try really hard to stay out of arguments with mom, but she just tries really hard to start an argument on purpose.  She loves conflict!  The last time we had dinner with her she was trying really hard to trigger me but I didn’t let her!  I won that time! This post was edited by Livvie at February 14, 2023 10:32 PM MST
      May 2, 2021 4:01 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I've been there with many family members, most of whom I don't see or speak to (not my choice). I've thought about a song I learned as a child at various Christian venues. It says "And they'll know we are Christians by our love". Turns out that love dries up pretty darn fast for many of them, if you don't go along with everything they believe.   

    Hope your tongue didn't hurt too badly from all the biting after that last dinner! Congrats on the victory!
      May 2, 2021 11:25 AM MDT