Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I know you know where I'm going with this. If there were a contest among countries to pick the MOST whinya** complainers which would win? **
Hair dye specialist and hair implant specialist too? I wonder if men share such info with one another? Thank you for your reply L and Happy Sunday to you! :)
Armenian Easter? Naw. When my grandparents and parents were alive we did. Thank you though. That is the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE anyone who wasn't Armenian acknowledged that! ((hugs)) :)
My first LAUGH of the morning m'dear. I think it was the word "entitled" that got me. I mean if they are entitled at such an early age what happens when they're all grown up? AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply! This is too good. I'm going to co-opt "entitled" and blind credit you for it. I mean "entitled brat"? C'mon! How funny is that?