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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are there some questions that were never meant to be answered definitively? Like "what is the purpose of life" or "why am I here"?

Are there some questions that were never meant to be answered definitively? Like "what is the purpose of life" or "why am I here"?

Posted - May 5, 2021


  • 13395
    Since I do not believe in the existence of any supernatural spirits or a creator God to serve and worship, I can only assume my purpose in life is to eat and reproduce.
    I am here to fill in the vacancy when the earth was short one person.
      May 5, 2021 10:22 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I see. So you do not allow "possibilities" to invade your life then? Of course you have no control over what yu think or believe or feel Kg. You take what makes sense to you and go with that. I do too. Only my path is very far apart from yours. I don't close the door on anything. I allow for all possibilities. We know much less than there is to know. At least it seems to me to be that. I don't believe I KNOW anything. Well je pense donc je suis. Cogito ergo sum. Even that could be an illusion. Some physicists say we create our own reality and nothing exists outside ourselves. There was a TV show about a cartoonist whose cartoon characters IMPLORED him to keep drawing them else they'd completely disappear. Which of us is nearer what really is? Thee or me? I or thy? I don't know but my way is full of possibilities. I think your way is less so but if it works for you who am I to say my way is "better"? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 6, 2021 10:50 AM MDT
      May 6, 2021 4:10 AM MDT