Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All they asked her to do was to SHUT UP, ROLL OVER and DO AS SHE WAS ORDERED TO DO BY THE OLD WHITE MEN. Too much to ask?

All they asked her to do was to SHUT UP, ROLL OVER and DO AS SHE WAS ORDERED TO DO BY THE OLD WHITE MEN. Too much to ask?

Liz Cheney would not roll over and shut up and do as she was ORDERED TO DO by the old white men who control everything.

She is still talking. The old WHITE MEN will replace her with an obedient dame who will say exactly what they ORDER her to say. These FOOTOO dames are used to it. Independence is not their cuppa tea. Being loved and wanted is. Sheesh.


Posted - May 6, 2021


  • 33896
    What she was asked to do was support the will of her constituents.  She failed and continues to fail.  She will not be a member of Congress much longer.  She will not be re-elected.  

    As far as being in GOP leadership....you are supposed to represent the party platform and what the party member want....she again failed in that.

    Establishment looses again. 

    Trump has already picked her replacement. 
      May 6, 2021 11:19 AM MDT

  • 16647
    The GOP doesn't HAVE a party platform, at the 2020 National Convention they actually refused to produce one - other than loyalty to its feckless leader. It's not a Party anymore, it's a personality cult. When His Royal Orangeness inevitably dies, the party may regain its status. Not before.
      May 6, 2021 7:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
      May 7, 2021 2:15 AM MDT

  • 33896
    They voted to use the same platform as they did in 2016.   

    It is the MAGA party. Establishment is not happy about it....but they can go home.
      May 7, 2021 5:11 AM MDT