Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WHAT IF all bridges in America were shut down simultaneously and closed to traffic indefinitely?. What would that do to the economy?

WHAT IF all bridges in America were shut down simultaneously and closed to traffic indefinitely?. What would that do to the economy?

The reason? Any weight put on them could cause them to break apart. Literally. So crossing on them could be your death warrant.

No going to work if you had to cross a bridge
No trucking going on that required bridge crossing

Chaos immediately? Then finding other options? What other options?

Posted - May 14, 2021


  • 6023
    One of the bridges between Washington and Oregon was restricted to 1 lane travel last week.  (It only has 2 lanes)
    Why?  Because one of the expansion joints dropped out of place.

    To answer your question - it would be such a major blow to the economy, that our nation would quickly collapse.
    Sure, you could fly some products - but not enough to replace all the rail and truck cargo, every day.
    Stores would run out of supplies within a couple days.  

    Remember when the stores ran out of TP and cleaning supplies, at the start of Covid?
    Imagine the same thing - but there being no food in a city.  Gas would also run out quickly.
    The government would not be able to supply the necessities.
    Crime and rioting would quickly follow, as everybody tried to take what they need - or protect it - through violence.
    The police would be overwhelmed.  The military would be called out to protect vital areas.
    The government would collapse within a month, as it lost control over most of the country.
      May 14, 2021 7:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Wow! WAy worse than I thought. May I rescind the question? Pretend I never asked it? Hopefully the bad guys don't go around blowing up all our bridges. Oh dear. There I go again! Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
      May 14, 2021 8:00 AM MDT

  • 6023
    We have known of the vulnerability of our infrastructure (bridges and electricity, specifically) since the 1970s.
    If not earlier.
    In fact, a couple of the "militant" pamphlets of the 70s told to target those for destruction.
    Our government also knew those would be "soft" targets for Soviet "sleeper cells", if the Cold War turned Hot.

    So - my scenario isn't news to anyone who has thought seriously about how to harm us.

    If bin Laden had put more thought into it, the attacks would have targeted the bridges across the Mississippi River.
      May 14, 2021 8:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
    There's always PUtin and the FOOTOO insurrectionists! Uh oh. Here comes another question. I'd better duck after I ask it. Thanks Walt! :)
      May 14, 2021 8:11 AM MDT