Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Once upon a time being AMERICAN was something special. I'm pretty sure no one who isn't already one WANTS to be an American. Know why?
The true definition of what an American patriot actually is can be determined only by examining what those men who signed the Declaration of Independence (and their followers) actually did. Read the history of the United States of America. They were patriots.
As a patriot, I feel that the United States is still something special. If a person hates America, hates the Constitution, and doesn't want to be here, then they are part of the problem, not the solution. If they don't want to be here, then leave. Instead of whining like babies, moaning, complaining, and vilifying America, perhaps they should take off their diapers, grow a spine, and work to help keep America free, safe, and prosperous. As always, just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure that all of those people at the border clamoring to get into this country would disagree with you. As bad as things may currently be here, it's still better than wherever they're leaving.