Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Israeli Cabinet votes for Cease Fire. Hammas has agreed to a cease fire too. ALLGEDLY. What will the Yahoo do if he can't continue KILLING?

Israeli Cabinet votes for Cease Fire. Hammas has agreed to a cease fire too. ALLGEDLY. What will the Yahoo do if he can't continue KILLING?

Posted - May 20, 2021


  • 19938
    I'm not a Netanyahu fan, but Hamas has sent rockets (provided by Iran) Israel's way more than once before.  They don't stop until Israel goes after them and clobbers them - then they agree to a ceasefire and try to make it appear that they are the victims.  The entire world knows that Israel's military capabilities are far superior to those of Hamas, so why they even start with Israel is beyond me.  If you don't want to get hurt, don't poke the bear.
      May 20, 2021 2:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    How much investigating have you done L? What has the Yahoo done to goad them? He has restricted their movements. He has deprived them of water and electricity. He treats them like dirt and has for decades. He has destroyed their homes on the land that was theirs. He has been accused of WAR CRIMES. So too has Hamas. But Hamas isn't who the YAHOO targets. He targets the Palestinian people and children. Look at the most recent deaths. That is just the tip of the iceberg. You seem to think Israel is spotless and blameless and is simply retaliating. Well as kids did you ever get blamed for something you did not instigate or start? It is so easy to look at just one side of an issue and feel vindicated. Do you feel vindicated at this supposed ceasefire with all the deaths of Palestinians INCLUDING dozens of children? That is how it always ends. Have you no curiosity about the lives that these Palestinians are leading? You are not unique in your view. I think the standard reaction of millions of people is precisely like yours. Israel is just retaliating. Israel never fires the first shot. Ever wonder why it keeps going on? Ever wonder if it will ever stop? Sorry but on this issue I see only evil from the Yahoo. Once upon a time Israel had kind good humane leaders. Who would NEVER cause humanitarian crises as the YAHOO has done. America gives Israel $3.8 BILLION a year in military aid. And backs whatever it does. Well now America is gonna RESTORE some aid to Palestine that trump cut off. $235 million I think. America pays for the weapons that murder people and then gives humanitarian aid to them?. That is a very stupid dumb way to run a country in my opinion. Now I relate to the Jewish people. I have no problem with them. We share a terrible history of genocide. It is the yahoo and his ilk whom I despise. He is just like trump. Gets away with murder literally and then is supported and admired and respected for the carnage. I just can't get there. I pity the Israelis for not having a kind just fair GOOD person leading them. I do. It is what it is. If that offends you I am sorry for that but I am not sorry for how I perceive the monster Yahoo or what he has gotten away with and will continue to get away with. Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at May 22, 2021 2:25 AM MDT
      May 22, 2021 2:20 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I am not saying that Israel is spotless nor am I saying they can do no wrong.  You talk about Israel killing hundreds of Palestinians.  If Hamas had it's way, it would annihilate every Israel.  I would be willing to bet that the Palestinians that live in Israel live a better life than those in Palestine.  Do you not find it strange that none of the Arab nations besides Iran want to have anything to do with the Palestinians?  The reason there will never be peace between Israel and the Palestinians is because the Palestinians refuse to acknowledge the Israelis right to life.
      May 22, 2021 3:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What investigating have you done L? Why don't you verify what I wrote and then shoot it down. I don't know what life is like in Palestine...where does it exist by the way separate from The Gaza strip? Have you investigated the carnage done the lives lost? Palestinians are not the bad guys. It is Hamas. Palestinians are the ones who being murdered. Not Hamas. Anyway I see that pursuing this is probably useless. You have your views I have mine. It is what it is. Thank you for your reply L. I relate to the Palestinians. I do not in any way relate to the YAHOO. I never will. SIGH. Why you do I cannot say or understand. But I don't have to..
      May 22, 2021 3:28 AM MDT

  • 19938
    "Palestinians are the ones who being murdered. Not Hamas."  Well, that being the case, perhaps Hamas should stop using their own people as human shields.  Perhaps, lobbing thousands of rockets into Israel isn't the best use of their time.  

    I am taking the side of the people that Hamas would like to drive into the ocean.  I believe in Israel's right to defend itself.  Hamas knows very well how well-armed Israel is and that they will come down hard when attacked, yet they do it anyway.  Seen Arab countries have come to a detente with Israel, but not the Palestinians.  They don't want peace - they want to kill off every Israeli.  

    You're right, this is not in which either of us will change the mind of the other, so it's best to stop here.  
      May 22, 2021 6:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    TRue dat. What we think and say is irrelevant anyway. It matters not at all. Sadly. Thank you for your reply L
      May 25, 2021 3:14 AM MDT

  • 258
    Contributor "RosieG" wrote:
    "Why don't you verify what I wrote and then shoot it down. "

    I have been happy to oblige her (her accusations cannot be verified from objective-sources, and it is also for an accuser to support their own accusations):
    Please see my larger response by which I answer her, point-by-point, on this webpage. This post was edited by Robert at June 2, 2021 9:08 AM MDT
      June 2, 2021 8:25 AM MDT

  • 258
    I will respond to contributor "RosieG's" post point-by-point:

    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “How much investigating have you done [..]?”


    My response:

    I am happy to oblige her (on behalf of contributor “SpunkySenior”):

    By May 21, 2021, more than 4,000 rockets fired by Palestinian Arab Hamas-controlled Gaza, at Israeli cities; the latest Gaza hostilities initiated by Palestinian Arab Hamas, not Israel: 


    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “restricted their [Palestinian Arab] movements.”


    My response:

    I’m going to interpret her word “their” to refer to the “Palestinian Territories”, those territories under the Oslo Accords (about 40% of what is now known as the West Bank, and all of Gaza):

    Israeli security restrictions are in direct response the threat posed by the ongoing Palestinian Arab war of territorial ambitions and terrorism, directed at Israeli Jewish civilians including children, as follows:

    i) Rockets fired from Gaza resulting in Israeli economic measures (aka “blockade”). Pro-Palestinian Arab contributors such as contributor “RosieG” typically-fail to mention two things:
    The Palestinian Arab rocket attacks on Israeli cities, and that 
    the economic measures on Gaza are by both Egypt and Israel:

    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -


    “The blockade of the Gaza Strip is the ongoing land, air, and sea blockade of the Gaza Strip imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007, after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip [...]”


    Extract source: 


    - - - - End of extract - - - -


    ii) The West Bank:

    “Palestinian” Arab propaganda false-complaints of:
    “oppression” / “persecution” / “discrimination” / “(mis) treatment” / “racism” / “being treated as 2nd class”,
    are Palestinian frustration at Israeli security measures for reducing Jewish casualties resulting from the Palestinian anti-Jewish war of ethnic-hatred and territorial ambitions, targeting Israeli Jewish civilians as policy including children.
    The Palestinian Arabs pay a reward-“pension” for the murder Israeli Jewish civilians, including children through their “Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund”: 


    Example from the “Palestinian” Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”:
    Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, aged 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in West Bank by a Palestinian terrorist, June 30, 2016, The Guardian: 


    Palestinian Arab attacks of ethnic-hatred using West Bank roads, upon Israeli Jewish civilians: 


    No wonder then that anti-Semites are emotionally-attached to the Palestinian Arabs!



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “deprived them [the Palestinian Arabs] of water and electricity”


    My response: 

    Both water and electricity are matters that require agreement. The Oslo Accords were intended to lead to a lasting peace, but after tricking Israel into the Accords, the Palestinian Arabs continued to claim ALL the land, and continued with their terrorism targeting Israel Jewish civilians including children, and also continued with rocket attacks.

    What has all that got to do with electricity and water?

    It is both somewhat difficult, and also immoral to require a country, to come to further agreements about electricity and water and also building permits, while for example, its children are considered targets for murder (see above) by the applying party.

    Do not try the following as an experiment:
    Attack people and then apply to them, for: Water, electricity, and building permits.



    Contributor “RoseG”: 
    “He treats them like dirt and has for decades.”


    My response:

    Her allegation against Israel resembles or constitutes typical Palestinian Arab reverse-fact propaganda, as it refers to the Palestinian Arab complaints to international media about Israeli security measures that come about directly as a consequence of the Palestinian Arab policy to target Israeli Jewish civilians including children (see above).


    Further examples from the “Palestinian” Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”:


    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -


    “23 August 2019 ... Israeli girl ... Rina Shnerb [age 17 was killed; she] had been hiking with her brother Dvir and her father Eitan near a natural spring outside Dolev when an improvised explosive device blew up.”


    Extract source: 


    - - - - End of extract - - - -


    July, 21.2017: A Palestinian wielding a knife stabbed and killed three Israelis in Halamish, a settlement located north of Ramallah. Hamas praised the attack:
    “We bless the heroic Halamish operation ...”: 



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “He has destroyed their homes”


    My response:


    West Bank:

    Where homes are demolished (aka destroyed), this may occur for two main reasons:
    i) The Palestinian Arabs pay a reward-pension to the family of terrorists killed or imprisoned by Israel for murdering Israeli Jewish civilians including children, which is most likely a reason for the following: When a Palestinian Arab terrorist has been apprehended, Israel either demolishes or seals the family home of the terrorist, but it cannot do that without a court order.
    ii) Buildings erected without a building permit (without building permission):
    Try this as an experiment:
    Build a structure, home, or village, without permission, in your own country and then come back to us with the reaction by your own authorities.
    Do not try the following as an experiment:
    Attack people and then apply to them, for: Water, electricity, and building permits.



    Homes are in peril there for two main reasons:
    Israel retaliatory strikes on Hamas operation centers, due to Palestinian Arab rocket attacks on Israeli cities.

    Hamas rockets that fall back onto Gaza. 
    (See above Wikipedia source above on Palestinian Arab rocket attacks on Israel and Hamas rockets falling back on Gaza.)



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “on the land that was theirs [assume referring to the Palestinian Arabs]”


    My response:

    i) Private land / home ownership does not of itself amount to proof of entitlement to the sovereignty of the country in which a community lives.
    ii) There has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel (Roman-imposed name “Palestine) upon which the “Palestinian” Arabs could base any claim on any part of the land of Israel:
    Post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judah (aka Judea). Including: West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights. Capital (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH - Map:



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “He has been accused of WAR CRIMES”


    My response:

    Israel responds to attacks. There is no evidence of “war crimes”.
    If the contributor may be referring to well-known NGOs, they have a track-record of bias against Israel with reports written by Palestinian Arab activists.
    Example - NGO “Human Rights Watch” report: “A Threshold Crossed - Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”, by Omar Shakir, April 27, 2021:
    The author of the report Omar Shakir, is a pro-Palestinian Arab activist - see within: 

    (There is no objective-evidence of any Apartheid in or by Israel. The latter mentioned Human Rights Watch report should be regarded with suspicion, until there has been expert objective-evaluation of the Report, not only on the accuracy of its allegations, but also on omitted relevant information.)


    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “He targets the Palestinian people and children. Look at the most recent deaths.”


    My response:

    Israel does not target civilians whether including children or otherwise; Israel targets Hamas operations in order to seek to suppress Palestinian Arab attacks on Israeli civilians whether Arab or Jew: 

    Her accusation constitutes Palestinian Arab reverse-fact propaganda; Palestinian Arab rockets are fired at Israeli civilian population centers (cities).



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “did you ever get blamed for something you did not instigate or start?”


    My response: 
    The recent war (May 2021) was due to the attack by Palestinian Arab Hamas of over 4,000 rockets fired from Gaza at Israeli cities (source above).



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “[...] deaths of Palestinians INCLUDING dozens of children? [...] Have you no curiosity about the lives that these Palestinians are leading? [...] on this issue I see only evil from the [Israelis]”.


    My response: 
    It is considered a war crime to fire rockets upon civilians (source above - Palestinian Arabs fired more than 4,000 rockets at Israeli cities May 2021). How would your country react if rockets were fired from another country at your city? The contributor’s reaction seems typical of modern anti-Semitism, which seeks immorally to treat the Jewish people differently from any other nation, and where Israel has become the modern substitute for the anti-Semitic desire for the genocide of the Jewish people.



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “America pays for the weapons that murder people and then gives humanitarian aid to them? That is a very stupid dumb way to run a country in my opinion.“


    My response:

    Israel receives security aid from the U.S.; not humanitarian aid.
    Her comment is reverse fact, applying to the Palestinian Arabs rather than Israel. The U.S. is restoring “humanitarian aid” to the Palestinian Arabs for whom this money is either used directly or frees-up their funds, for paying for attack tunnels, rockets, and mortars, while ignoring the welfare of their own people: 


    Aid awarded to the “Palestinian” Arabs lacks substantiation of their alleged “humanitarian” need, particularly when compared with other groups considered to have genuine humanitarian need: 



    Contributor “RosieG”: 
    “Gets away with murder literally and then is supported and admired and respected for the carnage [...] the monster [...] what he has gotten away with and will continue to get away with [...]”


    My response: 
    For her falsehoods against Israel / the Israeli Prime Minister (to which/whom she refers as “Yahoo”), she provides: 
    No detail, no objective-sources; zero evidence.



    This post was edited by Robert at October 20, 2021 5:06 PM MDT
      June 2, 2021 7:33 AM MDT

  • 33821
    Israel is not the attacker.  Hamas always attacks first. 
      May 20, 2021 4:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    AARRGGHH! The YAHOO goads goads goads goads goads goads goads goads goads. What investigating have you done about any of this at any time to find the TRUTH? Sheesh.
      May 22, 2021 3:52 AM MDT

  • 33821
    I have looked into it a lot. 
      May 22, 2021 4:49 AM MDT

  • 258
    Contributor "RosieG" wrote:
    "What investigating have you done about any of this at any time to find the TRUTH? Sheesh."

    My response:
    It is for those making accusations to support them.
    What investigating has she done from objective-sources?; and not from Palestinian Arab mouthpiece propaganda comfort websites.

    Pro-"Palestinian" Arab "propaganda-comfort-websites" are where pro-Palestinians, "Palestinian" Arabs, anti-Semites, and Neo Nazis, tend to go, for the comfort of having their anti-Semitic falsehoods against Israel and their revisionist-history reinforced by false non-verifiable propaganda.

    Here "Comfort" means reinforcing unverifiable and prejudiced-opinion or mass-produced propaganda, within a comfort-zone that avoids: Factual-information supported by objective-sources.

    "Palestinian" Arab "propaganda-comfort websites" being by their very nature, Not-objective, their content is likely to be both Unverifiable, and Untrustworthy.

    This post was edited by Robert at June 2, 2021 9:11 AM MDT
      June 2, 2021 8:20 AM MDT