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If you LOVE what you do you're probably very good at it. If you HATE can you still be great?

Cooking comes to mind. If you hate cooking odds are you are probably very lousy at it. Right?

Posted - May 22, 2021


  • 10570
    If one loves what they do, it will be fun to them.  And if something is fun, one will usually want to do more of it - any chance they get (and as they say, "practice makes perfect").  

    If one hates what they do, they may still be good at it, but it won't be fun to them.  It will just be another boring chore (get it done and over with so I can do something else). 

    Personally, I hate cooking. What I make rarely turns out "good", which is discouraging.  The more discouraging something is, the less one's going to want to do it.  So to me, cooking is a "necessary evil". (however, I do like baking).  I love gardening.  As a result, I have what they call a "green thumb".
      May 22, 2021 12:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm GOBSTOMPED! You "hate" cooking? We've had some nifty conversations about food and this is the first time you mentioned you HATE cooking! Remember the dishes you prepared for Christmas at your sister's a few years ago before COVID? You HATED making them? Boy it's gonna take awhile for me to absorb this shocking information. I used to bake all the time. I was good at it and I enjoyed it. I was also 25 lbs heavier then. Baking is fattening. Cooking might be but not necessarily. I love cooking and rarely bake and when I do it is a disaster. I've lost my touch or it migrated. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday to you and yours!
      May 23, 2021 2:52 AM MDT

  • 10570

    Maybe I should rephrase that…  I hate cooking for myself.  I don't mind cooking for someone else (as long as they tell me exactly what they want and I know how to make it).  I just turn on some music and go to it.  I’m a finicky eater, meaning I don’t like many foods.  Combine this with my not liking to eat and the fact that have a hard time making decisions (my perfectionism again…they must be perfect), and there you go … I hate cooking (for myself).

    I am getting better, however.  Did you know that it used to drive me utterly batty if foods touched each other on a plate?  For years I drove my family mad insisting my strawberry shortcake be served separate (one bowl for strawberries, one bowl for whipped cream, and one plate for the cake).  Even my mashed potatoes had to be separate from the gravy.  Combining food-foods (not ingredients) to make a "dish" goes against my grain.  I'm not near as bad as I used to be, but it still bothers me. 

    Baking is easier as I don’t have a problem mixing ingredients (flour, sugar, etc.); although separating an egg is rather maddening (it has to be perfect). 

      May 23, 2021 1:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness! I don't know where to begin on this. You don't like to eat? OY VEY!  Well there's the answer. It's BECAUSE I love to eat that I enjoy being in the kitchen. I always have lots of choices and I don't always know when I go into the kitchen what I'm going to make. I check what I have (we have three refrigerators you know) and then I start getting inspired. If I had no appetite I can't even imagine wanting to be around food. But I do it's never been a problem. As for separating eggs I've never particularly enjoyed it but it has to be done. Food touching other food on the plate? My Jim turns a plate of food into GOULASH quite often. The plate will have a protein, vegetables and a starch. Say poached chicken breast, grain or potato or pasta , broccoli and kale. Often also a small salad on the side made with spinach as the basis not lettuce. He cuts everything up and mixes it together except for the salad. If there is a gravy or sauce he will pour it over everything. Me? I like my food separate on the plate but I don't care if everything touches everything. Feeling as you do no wonder going into the kitchen cooking isn't that appealing to you. Thank you for your reply. But you are intelligent and know that eating nutritious food is going to benefit you so you do. Right? :)
      May 24, 2021 2:40 AM MDT