Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you play chess? I did in the long ago multiple times and I do not recall ever having won a single game! Not my cuppa tea. Is it yours?

Do you play chess? I did in the long ago multiple times and I do not recall ever having won a single game! Not my cuppa tea. Is it yours?

I have an exceedingly difficult time VISUALIZING. Always have. I don't know if that has anything at all to do with my lousy sense of direction but I just thought I'd toss that in the mix.

I can't visualize what a room will look like if you move the furniture around. I have to be doing it and have it done and then I "see" it. A definite mental defect I'm sure. It doesn't make things easy. I've gotten lost a lot in the past when I was driving and sometimes I've been scared to death because I got so disoriented. These days Jim does all the driving so I don't have to ever worry about again. Hopefully..

I wonder why that is? My friend Old School has a built-in direction signal. He never gets lost. Magic for sure as far as I can tell. But not for me. Are you like that too? You never get lost or disoriented?

Posted - May 23, 2021


  • 3719
    I was introduced to it at school and though I enjoyed it, I was never any good because I am weak at both thinking ahead and spotting everything that is happening.

    I'd see, say, one of my knights under threat by the next  move, but fail to spot that defending him exposed my queen or a bishop to being captured. Or I'd move that poor knight to safety from the original threat by a powerful piece, but not spot the pawn standing innocently by his new square ready to capture him.

    I can still remember the basic moves but I have not played chess for many years now. In fact I forget when it was.
      May 24, 2021 1:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You describe me exactly Durdle. "I am weak at both thinking ahead and spotting everything that is happening." I haven't played Chess for probably 40 years! Even though I always lost I always had fun playing. Why do you think some people have to win and are really sore losers if they don't whereas others would like to win but if they don't they still had fun? It puzzles me. Do they lack confidence and have to keep proving to themselves they are "better than"? T'is a puzzlement. Thank you for your reply. Something else we have in common! :)
      May 24, 2021 2:04 AM MDT

  • 2068
    I live on chess. Each and every game is living a full life born of emotional ranges during playing it. It is not the end that counts but the thrill of play. Arguing over en passant has killed people. It is a rage inducing game too. It teaches discipline to not blow up. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at May 24, 2021 2:04 AM MDT
      May 24, 2021 1:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'd tip my hat to you if I were wearing one CW. I admire those who play chess well a lot. I am not envious at all. I'd like to be better at it but when I did  play I always had fun. I always enjoyed playing even though I never once won a game. So winning for me never was a factor. If I enjoy doing something I do it. Winning or losing and my chances never factor in to it for me. Are you very good at it? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to you and yours m'dear! :)
      May 24, 2021 2:09 AM MDT

  • 2068
    Thanks very much Rosie. Hey! You know? I am too brash and need to be gentle in words. My post makes it seems Gestapo like. Chess was a light hearted start out for me with a brother we played drunken at the table smoking weed and Tipparillos. Karma had it that I would gel in with the poor Mexican chess players and beer buddy. Chess in no means should include violence during or at it's ending. You will learn best from people you like Rosie. Peace to you and Happy Monday as well there:)
    This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at May 24, 2021 2:55 AM MDT
      May 24, 2021 2:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You think you are BRASH m'dear? I don't think so. You express yourself with the words that occur to you. I do that too. Some folks take offense at it I'm sure while others just accept it as part of who I am and don't seem to mind. Also when we are emotionally invested in something language can be a bit intense and that's to be expected. Thank you for your reply m'dear and for Peace and Happy Monday! Very kind of you CW! :)
      May 24, 2021 2:57 AM MDT