Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Most struggle to LOSE weight. Some struggle to GAIN weight. Wouldn't it be swell to come equipped with a weight dial?

Most struggle to LOSE weight. Some struggle to GAIN weight. Wouldn't it be swell to come equipped with a weight dial?

You would dial the weight you wanted to be and your METABOLISM would activate and get you there.

So that's the wishful thinking part.

Anyone know how to effect that?

Posted - May 24, 2021


  • 5451
    That would be nice.  Baby fat is cute on babies but I don’t think it’s that cute on me.  It’s also hard to get rid of it.  I had cool sculpting done to get rid of the left over extra weight from being pregnant both times, and it worked very well for me.

    I don’t think you can really change your metabolism no matter what weight loss supplement makers tell you.  The best you can do is find an appetite suppressant supplement that works for you.

    The US is just about the fattest country in the world.  We also put more chemicals and additives in our food than any other country in the world.  I think there’s a connection there.  Since we’re dealing with corporations, which I don’t believe can be trusted, I suspect the additives and chemicals in food are designed to make people satisfied only after they’ve eaten way too much.

    They probably have that information buried in internal documents in much the same way cigarette makers buried the health effects of smoking in their own internal documents.
      May 25, 2021 12:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think you could be on to something m'dear. I really do. Once upon a time I tried every diet. The heaviest I ever got was 160 and that was when I was pregnant. But my normal weight was about 140 and I wasn't fat but I wasn't slender either. I only started reading ingredient labels after my son was born. He had some deadly allergies. Before then I just bought whatever looked good. But somewhere along the way I started reading labels for me too. Fiber and protein and salt and sugar plus food dyes and preservatives specifically. I started eating a lot of broccoli and other dark green veggies not because they were healthy but because my body seemed to crave them. So for a long time I was about 125. Then over time due to one thing or another I dropped more weight. Currently I'm about 110. I'm 5' 5" (used to be 5' 6" but shrunk an inch) and I eat whatever I want and as much but well appetites tend to get smaller as you age. I weigh each morning but not for the reason you think. I had cancer in 2008 and chemo and radiation. Unexplained weight loss is a danger signal that possibly the cancer is back. So I weigh to make sure the weight on the dial makes sense. Honestly it's so weird to have flipped like that. Weigh to make sure you haven't lost too many lbs. Anyway I don't understand overeating any more than I understand drinking too much alcohol or consuming harmful drugs or otherwise living a lifestyle that works against one's best interests. Thank you for your reply Liv! :)
      May 25, 2021 1:42 AM MDT