Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Should President Joe Biden still meet with Putin in 3 weeks DESPITE the current hacking situation that has hit 24 counties including the US?
Once again RUSSIA is behind the massive current hacking. Different strokes. Russia needs SANCTIONING SLAPPING DOWN SMACKING DOWN and being inundated with ULTIMATUMS TO KNOCK IT OFF CEASE DESIST SHAPE UP. Not being met by our president which would elevate him. To refuse to meet with him. I don't know which is better. But since putin is just another maggot like trump why waste any time on him at all? LIES is all you get. Wasted time in my opinion. So did I answer your question? Would YOU meet with a maggot?
Need to let Joe know he should be sanctioning Russia and not giving his approval for Russian pipelines.
This post was edited by my2cents at May 29, 2021 12:47 PM MDT
Look back at the thread. I asked why not and how do we know Putin had anything to do with it. You replied "Because. We don't." Did you say that or did someone hack your account?