Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ohio's lottery boosted the percent getting vaccinated DRAMATICALLY! See what a dam* good idea can do? Why aren't there MORE of them?

Ohio's lottery boosted the percent getting vaccinated DRAMATICALLY! See what a dam* good idea can do? Why aren't there MORE of them?

Why don't other creative folks create other dam* good ideas to BENEFIT and HELP we the people?

I know you're out there. What's the holdup?

Oh y'all do know that Ohio's governor is a REPUBLICAN right? See? There are some among them who are intelligent and sane doing the job they took an oath to do. IMAGINE THAT?

45% INCREASE in vaccinations for adults
94% INCREASE in vaccinations for teens

Posted - May 30, 2021


  • 10955
    A  45 and 94 percent increase is huge bit of a shame that they had to put out money to get people to do the right thing but whatever works to beat the viris is good.  I would not be surprised if Anti vacars start a BS story to try and prevent more people from getting the vacine - like Bill Gates funded the vacine lotto so he could get more micro chips in people. Cheers!
      May 30, 2021 8:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It is huge and I thought a great idea which actually worked very well. Probably even better than Governor De Wine expected. You can't argue with that kind of success. But I agree with thee the conspiracy theory lunatics are still out there in vast numbers. 74 million who voted for frump. They are all full of BS and they spread it without shame. So what new and exciting FAKES they come up with ought to be VERRRRY INTERRRESTING! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      May 30, 2021 8:16 AM MDT

  • 2706
     New Jersey announced its new “Shot and a Beer” program, which allowed any state resident to take their vaccination card to a participating bar and get a free glass of beer. Connecticut offered a similar program. Breweries in New York and Ohio offered deep discounts on beer for the freshly jabbed. A Wisconsin bar named The Pickle became a vaccination clinic for a day.

      West Virginia has offered residents savings bonds to get their shots. Krispy Kreme has offered free doughnuts. Some dispensaries have offered free marijuana. Ohio has offered to enter the newly vaccinated into a $1 million lottery. So it's come down to bribing people with money, beer, doughnuts, savings bonds, marijuana, and who knows what else to get people to take the Covid shot. And you call that a good idea? It makes me wonder what their real motives are behind this bribery.
      May 30, 2021 8:14 AM MDT