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What is a food that most people eat with their hands or fingers, but you insist on eating with utensils, and why? ~

Posted - May 30, 2021


  • 17565
    You name it.  I don't eat with my fingers except for unbuttered air-popped popcorn and chips, even though I rarely even have access to such processed foods like chips; I don't buy them, myself. Sometimes I put a little melted butter over my popcorn but then I eat it with a spoon.   Even candy bars are held with the wrapper.  I'm expert at unwrapping a Hershey Kiss and getting it into my mouth without touching it.  Sandwiches,  fried chicken, egg rolls, etc. etc. are eaten with a knife and fork. I can eat a banana easily without touching the food part; apples are sliced for eating and oranges are peeled and separated and eaten

    This is just me. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at May 31, 2021 5:38 AM MDT
      May 30, 2021 2:26 PM MDT

  • 1817
    i dont eat anything with my hands. i hate having dirty hands. i eat bbq ribs with chopsticks 
      May 30, 2021 3:24 PM MDT

  • 44544
    I am usually the one who eats foods with his fingers when everyone else is using utensils.
      May 30, 2021 4:44 PM MDT

  • 23410
    Bill Murray stuffs his face with cake
      May 30, 2021 5:05 PM MDT

  • 23410
    Sloppy Joes  (with a slice of melted provolone cheese and bread-and-butter sweet pickle slices).

    I usually eat them with a fork. I'm less apt to slop them down my front.
      May 30, 2021 5:07 PM MDT

  • 10696
    French fries - it just feels right to me.
      May 31, 2021 5:41 AM MDT

  • 23410
    That's cool. I'm starting to rethink my eating patterns with this question, ha. 
      May 31, 2021 5:45 AM MDT

  • 313
    pizza and burgers with my hand.

      June 1, 2021 9:47 PM MDT

  • 53394


      Most people eat both of those foods with their hands. 

      June 2, 2021 8:51 AM MDT