Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If the Supremes rescind Roe vs Wade I think they should make it a clean sweep and rescind every amendment to the Constitution! Why not?
Roe vs Wade is not an amendment. It was a Supreme Court decision that was supposedly based upon the 14th Amendment. I say supposedly because the court's decision was for all intents and purposes based upon their subversion of the meaning of the text. So your whole rescind every Amendment to the Constitution thought process makes no sense.
Should the Supreme Court rescind the Roe vs Wade decision? In my opinion yes. They need to reverse that catastrophic decision made by the Supreme Court in 1973. Catastrophic you may ask? Well, since that decision was made 62,502,904 babies were killed by abortion. I'm sure those numbers are much higher now. So yes, that is catastrophic. At least to me, it is. This is my opinion of course.