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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Every country is a "ship of state" sailing dangerous waters. Every government is a pirate band. Some more evil and cruel than others. YOURS?

Every country is a "ship of state" sailing dangerous waters. Every government is a pirate band. Some more evil and cruel than others. YOURS?

Robinhood allegedly stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Goodly kind bandits.

Has there ever been a band of goodly and kind PIRATES?

Posted - June 6, 2021


  • 17088
    "Goodly and kind" is highly doubtful, but there have been state-sponsored pirates called "buccaneers", who carried out acts of piracy against foreign-flagged ships in the name of Queen and country. Case in point, Francis Drake, who was knighted for it. England was at war with Spain at the time, Drake only targeted Spanish ships and joined in with the Royal Navy to repel the Armada.
      June 6, 2021 4:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So if it is on behalf of COUNTRY that is different from if it is on behalf of SELF. State-sponsored elevates it to a matter of PATRIOTISM then? There is something about "my country right or wrong". Loyal to country even one that is evil monstrous and cruel? Calling that patriotism is a bit much methinks but I do understand that mindset. Never having fought in war(thankfully) I have no first-hand experience. I expect loyalty and devotion to one's country used to be a good thing. NOw? It's doubtful. Loyalty to personality has replaced it. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      June 6, 2021 5:45 AM MDT