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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What else besides the American Presidency did the trump and his et al DEPROFESSIONALIZE?

What else besides the American Presidency did the trump and his et al DEPROFESSIONALIZE?

It used to be an exalted office. He singlehandedly transformed it during his reign of terror and keeps at it in the shadows on the sidelines in the dark behind closed doors. His ultimate goal? Will he reach it?

Posted - June 7, 2021


  • 2706
      The office of the President was never meant to be an exalted office. The United States government is designed with checks and balances to ensure that no one branch can become more powerful/exalted than another. And we need to stop feeding the notion that it is. We must regain a healthy skepticism of our top leaders and an innate revulsion to anything that smacks of kingliness or imperial deference.
      June 7, 2021 9:21 AM MDT