What kinds of things would you do, should you do, or could you do to make sure that after every other intended beneficiary has already been cut out, you’re the only person left listed in it?
There’s an automatic Anti-Aussie clause; you’ve never even been in consideration if you’re pro-Vegemite.
Thank you, but the question presupposes that all other people have been wiped from the list, even family and other loved ones. It could be your chance to take advantage of a mighty lucrative portfolio . . .
But I don’t have any pets! What now?
Well, I do spend a whole lot of time with the er, um, the “residents” in the sub-basement, does that count?
Oh, believe me, things get real personal down there. (Wink, wink.)
Knowing Randy D, it’s something along these lines:
You’re too eager. Next! (Grrrrrrr.)
I don’t know what that is.
Thank you!