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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I received something from our electric company (Southern California Edison) that is beyond strange which I've quoted below. Why?

I received something from our electric company (Southern California Edison) that is beyond strange which I've quoted below. Why?

"Thank you for completing your enrollment in the CARE program. We have received your enrollment confirming your eligibility for the CARE program and we are pleased to let you know that you will receive the discount on your electricity bill each  month."

Thing is I did NOT fill out any such thing. Not recently. Not EVER.

From time to time we have received forms saying we COULD be eligible for a discount IF our income is below a certain amount. It never is. It is always over the limit so I have never once ever filled out anything because we did not meet the requirements.

So I have no idea what this is or why this is. I'll wait and see what the bill is. Of course I'm not going to insist on paying more. I just don't understand why they think I did something I didn't do?

Should I call and ask or not look a gift horse in the mouth? Weird.

Posted - June 22, 2021


  • 3719
    Are you certain it is genuinely from the electricity supplier, and not a well-constructed fraud attempt?

    It could simply be an administrative error on the company's part, but certainly do keep an eye of your payments to make sure they'd not signed you up to something by the back door. Though on the face of it, they'd be the loser by charging you less.

    It could even be some sales ploy to have buy some plan or other, if not CARE then something else.

    It is strange, and I'd be cautious too.
      June 23, 2021 4:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I will Durdle. Thank you for verifying what I'm thinking. An error perhaps. Or something more devious/sinister? The letterhead and envelope appear to be genuine but anything can be knocked off and made to look genuine. I'll let you know if and when the other shoe drops. We have an answering machine and get bogus calls ALL THE TIME about accounts in arrears or problems with our bank accounts which we know are all fake. We NEVER pick up or pay any attention to them. WE KNOW better but many seniors seem to fall for it. Sad that. :(
      June 24, 2021 2:27 AM MDT