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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We can only make progress on the backs of those who are curious, creative, imaginative and inventive. WHAT IF there were only naysayers?

We can only make progress on the backs of those who are curious, creative, imaginative and inventive. WHAT IF there were only naysayers?

What if everyone shot down any possible what if where would we be today?

"IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN" is the hallmark of the unimaginative incurious uninventive and uncreative.

I guess the world needs them too though for what I cannot tell you.

To tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Being stuck in a rut if sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold due to lack of imagination would be a terrible thing. Don'tcha think?

There would only ever be THE DARK AGES. There would never be the Age of Enlightenment.

Some are still stuck in that rut.

Posted - June 25, 2021


  • 17059
    I done told Wilbur and I told Orville and now I'm telling you - that contraption will never work.

    Boeing and Lockheed-Martin are figments of your imagination ...
      June 25, 2021 4:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You are in RARE FORM this day m'dear. I laughed so hard at this my stomach hurts from pure joy. The fact that many are stuck in that mire isn't really funny but we either laugh or cry. i prefer laughter! As you clearly do. I just heard that I think in Oregon it will get up to 108. We're in a heat wave but the highest ever recorded for Oregon was 103. I dunno R. Why is this happening? Climate change/global warming/a masterful plot by someone somewhere? Thank you for your reply. I saw a Twilight Zone years ago where the heat very oppressive and then the sun started heading toward the earth and you could see it hurling down. What if the sun got out of its orbit? What would happen and how long would it take to be affected? :)
      June 25, 2021 4:06 AM MDT