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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A tragedy keeps unfolding in Florida having nothing to do with politics. Digging for bodies undier the rubble. WHAT HAPPENED?

A tragedy keeps unfolding in Florida having nothing to do with politics. Digging for bodies undier the rubble. WHAT HAPPENED?

Many dozens of people are missing or unaccounted for thus far.

Still we don't know WHY?

Whatever the WHY could it be replicated elsewhere? Do you live in an apartment building?

No Ron de Santa being a good little Don Guantanamo and spreading the BIG LIE. A breather. A break from his usual evil. A message from the ether? A smack down slap in the face to get over himself and his political party and HELP THE PEOPLE OF HIS STATE?

I don't know. I think he is hopeless.

Condolences to those who can't locate loved ones. And those whose loved ones might be found not alive.

Out of the blue with no warning tragedy strikes. This one cannot be politicized to suit lies promulgated by the desperation party that Don Guantanamo controls with an iron fist. Yet.

Someone somewhere will blame it on Democrats. Wait for it. It's coming.

Posted - June 25, 2021


  • 16929
    Security footage shows the ground subsiding, cars sinking etc immediately before the collapse. Blame Florida, land of the sink-hole. Pity it didn't flatten Mar-a-Lago instead.
    From my limited experience in construction, it appears that the piers supporting the structure cannot have been properly anchored. Possibly what the engineer thought was solid bedrock, wasn't (which means cores weren't taken to sufficient depth). Or perhaps the builder skimped (as happened at Fukushima, where the original seawall design would have turned that tsunami aside and prevented the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. TEPCO decided it was too expensive). This post was edited by Slartibartfast at June 25, 2021 4:19 AM MDT
      June 25, 2021 4:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Believe it or not I did not even think of that. Would that it were Mar A Lago. Have they discovered what caused it yet R? Was it a sinkhole? It is extremely frightening to think this could happen from "natural" causes whatever that means. Before a building is born isn't there some sort of geological survey done to insure the land is suitable? Before we moved to Hemet we lived on the bottom floor of an 8 unit apartment building with folks living above us. We live in a single family home so there's no chance of that happening. Has anything like that ever happened in your country? Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 25, 2021 4:10 AM MDT