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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Derek Chauvin DENIED a retrial. Sentenced to 22.5 years! Suouldda been life. Max was 40 years. Prosecuters wanted 30. His defense team?

Derek Chauvin DENIED a retrial. Sentenced to 22.5 years! Suouldda been life. Max was 40 years. Prosecuters wanted 30. His defense team?

Wanted Chauvin to get no jail time and a gold medal and a lifetime subscription to MURDERERS ARE US Men's magazine. The kind you hide from others due to the "pictures"

No one got exactly what he/she/they/them/it wanted. But 22.5 years of his life will be spent behind bars with other murderers who probably aren't too fond of cops.

Maybe he will get knee necked to death. Or become the darling of all the other men who take turns sharing.

His future is bery bright allright. Get back a little of what he dished out only for 22.5 years not just 9 minutes..

Posted - June 25, 2021


  • 6023
    I'd almost be willing to be he will be sent to a federal prison ... or at least a prison in another state.
    To reduce the chance of him being in the same prison as someone he sent there.

    Prisons also tend to find ways to separate former police/government agents from the general population.

    Hmmmmmm.  Maybe there should be a prison ONLY for government agents?

      June 25, 2021 3:09 PM MDT

  • 11204
    Well I am glad he didn't get a retrial but only getting 22.5 years might mean that he could be out in 10 years with good behavior. I remember when he first went  to trial everybody thought he would beat the charges but he didn't so I think it will show other cops that they are not above the law and that black life's matter. Cheers and happy weekend!
      June 25, 2021 3:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Unless he is held in isolation his life inside is jeopardized. COPS are not the most popular inmates among the general population. Same with pedophiles. They don't last out their sentences and well maybe this murderous cop won't last out his. On the other hand if he is in prison with others of his ilk he will thrive. We will see. 40 years would have been max. 30 years was what the prosecutors asked for. "Normal" allegedly would have been 10-15. But Chauvin did other ghastly things which added to the sentence. I'm not aware that he will be able to get off earlier with good behavior. I don't care how "goody goody" he is prison. He is a MURDEROUS SOB and deserves no mercy. A pox on him through all eternity. And his kind. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Saturday to you and your family! :)
      June 26, 2021 7:08 AM MDT