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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Headline. "British Health Minister Matt Hancock quits after Social Distancing Furor. Caught Kissing Aide." WHAT?

Headline. "British Health Minister Matt Hancock quits after Social Distancing Furor. Caught Kissing Aide." WHAT?

The real story here? They have been accused/suspected of having an AFFAIR. Yes he is married.

In other words another cheap tawdry booty call. Don't that beat all?

Posted - June 26, 2021


  • 2960
      June 26, 2021 2:57 PM MDT

  • 3719
    That headline is misleading, and I am afraid it seems to have misled you.

    Kissing an aide, or even  having an affair with her, is not what has angered people.

    Politicians having affairs is nothing new and most people now brush that off as stupid and irritating, but hardly a matter of state.

    There are questions about the appointment of his friend to her senior role, and who sent the incriminating photo to a tabloid newspaper hardly noted for sober, analytical journalism. The latter point being whether an informant who cannot be trusted with personal confidentiality, can be trusted with official confidentiality.

    Most importantly though, Matt Hancock is in trouble for breaking the sort of Covid precautions he as Minister for Health has been telling us all to follow for so long.

    That is what is really making people cross - not any real or alleged affair.
      June 26, 2021 5:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I appreciate the in-depth reporting from the inside looking out m'dear. Of course if I were more "up" on your politics I would have known that. But here's an interesting point you make. That folks who betray their mates is taken with a grain of salt and is of small consequence.  I'm a very simple person Durdle. I think if you betray your mate you will assuredly betray the state, the people. If you are unfaithful to someone you have committed yourself to how can you be trusted to be faithful to anyone or anything? You are a liar a cheat a scoundrel and that will permeate anything/everything you do and say. I understand that people grow apart. But what excuse is there for CHEATING on a mate when you have the option of separating first before you make a play for a lay in the hay? I take it very seriously. I don't just shrug it off and say "boys will be boys" or whatever people do who accept it and move on. I do not move on. He betrayed his mate, his children, his friends, and ultimately his country. Doing what you KNOW is wrong and expecting folks to simply shrug it off? See I'm stuck being me. I don't shrug it off and it's not my country or my politician. But it is my world after all. I do admire from afar and I also detest from afar. I know. Everyone isn't me. Thank you for your informative reply. I appreciate it bigly! :)
      June 27, 2021 4:10 AM MDT