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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever been "between a rock and a hard place"? "The horns of a dilemma"? "Between a hammer and an anvil"?

Ever been "between a rock and a hard place"? "The horns of a dilemma"? "Between a hammer and an anvil"?

"Between Scylla and Charybdis"

What did you do? Which way did you go? What did you decide? Do you regret the choice you made?

The question is due to a Mug friend who mentioned the "Hammer and anvil" which I had never heard before.

Doesn't everyone face it at some time or another? Which choice is best? Who knows until you make it?

Of course an anvil will last far longer than a hammer. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything. I'm pretty sure we'd rather be the anvil than the hammer...that is to say normal sane logical decent human beings.

The nutjob crackpots are hammer material. That's why they come and go and never last.

Posted - July 3, 2021
