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Why did Frank Forde only serve seven days as the Prime Minister of Australia back in the 1940s? ~

Posted - July 14, 2021


  • 17082
    Forde was a stop-gap, succeeding to the big chair as caretaker PM upon the death of John Curtin. Unlike the US VP, upon the death, resignation or other reason that a PM relinquishes the leadership (John Gorton became PM when Harold Holt disappeared, presumed drowned), the Deputy serves only as acting Prime Minister until his/her Party formally elects a new leader. The exception to this is when the Party itself decides that the leader is an electoral liability and shafts him/her. Forde contested the leadership but the ballot went to Ben Chifley.
      July 14, 2021 4:54 PM MDT

  • 53698
    Thank you.
    As far as you know, is that information, specifically about Forde and in general about the political process of what to do when a Prime Minister can no longer serve widely known to the average Australian?
      July 14, 2021 5:16 PM MDT

  • 17082
    Probably not, the average Australian is the most apathetic individual on Earth. Most of us let Rupert do our thinking, which is how the LNP coalition keeps getting elected despite endemic corruption and general ineptitude. I'm one of the too few exceptions.
      July 14, 2021 5:28 PM MDT