Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is there anything you have ALWAYS NEVER done, are doing or will do? Wanna share?

Is there anything you have ALWAYS NEVER done, are doing or will do? Wanna share?

Posted - July 18, 2021


  • 16627
    Cheat. When I said "forsaking all others, until death us do part", I meant it.
      July 18, 2021 3:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((HUGS)) Please give those hugs to MAUREEN R. Wouldja? You know just tell her they are from the "nice old lady" she feared you had "corrupted" by telling her (the her is me) what DILLIGAF means? I just giggled when I typed that out. It looks so sweetly benign....like put a shrimp on the barbie mate! Thank you for your SPLENDID reply! :)
      July 18, 2021 3:49 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I have never gone, and will never go, bungee jumping.
      July 18, 2021 1:22 PM MDT