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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who blames a car for an accident? Isn't it the fault of the DRIVER?

Who blames a car for an accident? Isn't it the fault of the DRIVER?

Why blame FB for the lying crap it allows? Why not blame the stupid dumbs WHO BELIEVE IT?

Really? Blaming the vehicle for the problem rather than the drives/readers/believers?  How stupid is that?

The ZUCK wants money. To get it he allows lying crappers to say whatever they want to say.

It is the CAPITALISTIC way. Anything that makes money is desirable. America is the bastion of that.

I don't get it. Quicher bit**in. You are lied to 24/7. You are lied to by your pals and your enemies. If it works for them it works against you.

Posted - July 19, 2021


  • 6023
    We don't blame cars ... because everybody owns a car, and we don't want to give them up.
    (few people will instantly recognize the irony and hypocrisy of not blaming cars, while simultaneously blaming guns.)

    We blame Facebook, because it's owned by an evil billionaire ... who must micro-manage every aspect of it.
    So anything wrong with it, or on it, is his fault.
    Also because people believe there is no alternative ... which makes it an evil monopoly, as well.

      July 19, 2021 2:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I have never FB'd Walt. No interest in it at all. But apparently millions or billions are hooked. What is the LURE that cannot be denied? Of course DEFECTIVE CARS are to blame so by extension so too are defective guns.

    Both kill in the hands of the drunk drugged or hateful. One you can carries you. I like that. I shall ask. Also never forget billions of people ARE NO DAM* GOOD! Selfish greedy heartless cruel. Why is it that they very often are elected to "lead"? I don't get it. Thank you for your reply m'dear and Happy Tueday to you and yours. FIRES are way bad near you. How far away are you from the worst of it? :)
      July 20, 2021 3:30 AM MDT