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Where is the line between FREE SPEECH speeching and inciting insurrection?

Posted - July 28, 2021


  • 6023
    If you want to look at extremes, it's easy to see.

    But if you're trying to find the dividing line ... it's much more difficult.
    As I've pointed out before, politicians from both sides have been actively dividing our nation into classes for generations.
    Part of their strategy is to pit those classes against each other.
    Rich vs Poor, Men vs Women, White vs Minority, Urban vs Rural.
    They have also encouraged mistrust of government, if it wasn't run by their party.
    All of this was enabled by their media supporters, as well.
    At what point did they "cross the line" into encouraging hate and insurrection?
      July 28, 2021 3:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You see it as equal Walt blaming both sides. Of course I believe most of the hate and harm and evil comes from the GUANO and the GUANOHEADS. Before GUANO I followed politics but never with such dread at what it representad. Sure I'm a progressive liberal and so the views of CONSERVATIVES were never my cuppa tea. BUT...and this is important....I never ever ever ever ever felt or believed they were out to overturn a democracy, restrict the right to vote and cheat/lie/betray to win. NEVER. NOT ONCE! The arrival of GUANO changed everything. He is pure evil and everyone supporting him is evil too. Avowed white supremacist racists are his feeding ground. Not that he created them. He didn't. They were always there in the scum and mold and rot but were terrified of coming out. GUANO permissioned them and here we are. SIGH. I don't know whether this you is simply Devil's Advocating as you sometimes do or if you really believe it. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 29, 2021 1:58 AM MDT
      July 29, 2021 1:57 AM MDT

  • 757
    You're right, the arrival of Trump changed everything, it brought out the truth about progressive liberals, and the Democraps and how they're trying to silence their opposition, change voting laws, bring in millions of illegals, and lie and cheat in order to achieve their goals. Americans are on to them and their liberal BS. 2022 will show just how pissed off Conservatives are and you progressive liberals had better stock up on crying towels, you'll need them. Don't get tissues, we don't need any more of your trash laying around, like in the big Democrat run cities. This post was edited by Wolfhound at July 29, 2021 3:21 AM MDT
      July 29, 2021 3:20 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I really believe both sides are responsible.

    Even in politics ... for every action, there is a reaction.  It is not necessarily "equal" - but is generally "opposite".
    So, of course, when one side says we have to give special consideration to some group - even if it's to make up for past wrongs - another side is going to push back.  Even if it is in the name of equality at this time.  Like the old saying: Two wrongs don't make a right.  
    (IE: past discrimination against a group, doesn't justify current discrimination towards them)

    When the first group starts attacking the other by calling names and flinging false accusations - it doesn't take long before a defensive mindset takes hold.  And then it becomes a "hostile work environment", where neither side is willing to talk things out.  And then is descends into nothing other than attacks by both sides.
      July 29, 2021 7:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    OK. Here's my question though m'dear. Do you think the Black Lives Matter protests have a better foot to stand on than the january 6 protest of the GUANOHEAD adoring worshippers?

    Don't African Americans have LEGITIMATE concerns where as what is legitimate about THE BIG LIIE and the GUANOHEADS? I'm open to your telling me they are the same thing. If so you have a fight on your hands. When TRUTH is equated to LIES I don't buy it. ALL of THE BIG LIE and what comes out because of it has ZERO merit. How many unarmed young black men have been murdered by cops in the last few years? How legitimate is lynching?  OK. Your turn.
      July 29, 2021 8:11 AM MDT

  • 6023
    As I've said before ... it's not the message, it's how it is heard.
    One side hears "Black lives matter (as much as anyone else)".
    The other side hears "Black lives matter (more than anyone else)".
    Same phrase, but completely different meanings.
    And yes, the second side has good reason for hearing that message - because they have been told for generations that we have to give preferential treatment to blacks, to make up for past wrongs.

    And yet, if they protest the message they hear - they are immediately accused of racism.
    When there IS a serious discussion, it is obvious that what the two sides are hearing is not the same message, and they can usually come to an agreement that the first message is true.  (unless we're dealing with actual racists)
      July 29, 2021 8:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think it's sad that you mention "past wrongs" Walt. Current ongoing continuous wrongs. There is no PAST to that in my opinion. You view it differently which is your right. I relate to them. Apparently you do not. Not that I personally have been harmed by hatred (if I have I was unaware of it) but my people suffered a holocaust because we were hated by the Turks. Do you hate me? I'm a representiatve of the Armenian community. What had I done to deserve hate so strong I was forced to die in DEATH MARCHES? Not me of course. 1.6 million OF MY PEOPLE. So it all depends on what we have experienced. Have you experienced HATRED for being whom you are? My people have and died because of it. The Jewish people have and died because of it. The African Americans have and died because of it. The difference? THEY ARE STILL DYING. Ok. Forward. Thank you for your reply.
      July 29, 2021 10:30 AM MDT

  • 6023
    To use your personal example, it would be as if the Turkish people were told generations later, that they (as individuals) still owed preferential treatment to anyone of Armenian descent.  It does not matter that neither you nor the Turk were alive at the time, nor whether or not their ancestors were actually involved in the wrong.  They still owe you.  And if the Turk were to say "Hey, I don't owe anything.  I wasn't even born then, and my ancestors weren't involved in that atrocity."  They would be called a racist.

    For generations, Americans have been told that we must give preferential treatment to blacks to make up for slavery and "Jim Crow" era wrongs.  And in fact, some people are bringing up those past wrongs when they talk about "Black Lives Matter".  Many (non-black) Americans had nothing to do with those past wrongs, and even suffered to end them.  So to call anyone racist, who objects to having the past held against them for something they had nothing to do with, and simply because they are not black, is itself racist.  It does nothing but weaken the cause and anger people who would otherwise support it.
      July 29, 2021 11:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You brought up the Armenian genocide. DO YOU KNOW ALL WE WANT FROM THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT? ADMITTING Turkey committed a GENOCIDE against our people. They continue to deny it. Do you know that JOE BIDEN is the first  AMERICAN president to state the TURKS committed genocide? All the other presidents were too chickensh** to say that. Other countries have said it for YEARS. But the US presidents didn't want to anger the Turks so they NEVER EVER stood with Armenians. Until Joe Biden. We don't want no lousy money or special treatment. ALL WE WANT IS FOR TURKEY TO ADMIT WHAT IT DID. GERMANY DID and  I believe attempted to make reparations. That's it. From the mouth of someone WHO KNOWS Walt. For what it's worth. I am disappointed by your attitude but of course you are entitled to believe whatever you want as a WHITE MAN. I wonder though if you were JEWISH OR BLACK OR ARMENIAN if you'd have a different view than you do. Thank you for your reply.
      July 30, 2021 4:24 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Perhaps this is a better example.
    You know I've mentioned that I was bullied from elementary through high school.
    Should I think EVERY person in those schools during that time owes me an apology?

    I don't think so.  I think only the bullies and those who encouraged it, owe me an apology.

    Yet, if we used the same criteria as those who think all whites are racist - and all white men owe something to all minorities - then I would be justified in taking vengeance on every person in those schools, during that time.  You know who else thought that way?  Just about every school shooter.
      July 30, 2021 8:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Okay m'dear but don't I usually (hopefully ALWAYS) say white RACIST? If I haven't said it certainly that is what I intended. All WHITE RACISTS sympathize with lynching When did I ever say all whites anything?They themselves might never have lynched anyone but they are guilty just the same. They hate 24/7 and revile 24/7 and support what their ancestors did. They built statues to traitors who were racists and owned human beings. They are all of the same exact ilk. If you support rape torture murder you are no better than those who commit them. In my opinion.AS for today's Turkish people if they still deny a genocide THEY ARE GUILTY too. THEY ARE LIARS TOO. THEY ARE DENIERS TOO. How can it be otherwise? WHITE RACISTS and WHITES are not the same thing. If I ever said all whites are racist please show me when and where and I will apologize since it is not true. But ALL WHITE RACISTS ARE RACISTS. TODAY TOMORROW AND YESTERDAY. Supporting evil is the same as committing evil to me. I shall ask! Thank you for your reply Walt.
      July 31, 2021 7:06 AM MDT

  • Many people think "Free Speech" means you can say anything you like with no consequences. All rights come with responsibilities.  Supposedly, we still live in a civilized society.  Unfortunately, many who never had any political thoughts or aspirations have been encouraged to bring their insanity to the forefront of politics.  Trump has played these ignorant people to do his bidding ... acting out and pushing his insane ideas and lies.  

    Very scary that so many can be so easily influenced that they will endanger their lives and other people's lives ... most of them couldn't even tell you why they're so compelled to do the things they're doing now .. except to appease their "King". This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at July 29, 2021 11:06 AM MDT
      July 29, 2021 10:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Happy Thursday to thee and thine B. It's really hard not to be discouraged by everything that has occured AND IS STILL OCCURRING after trump. That MILLIONS of people believe THE BIG LIE is more than frightening! He tapped into that HATE and stoked it and focused it and became president BECAUSE OF IT. Something I could not have ever imagined would happen in MY COUNTRY AND YOUR COUNTRY. We have no idea how this "story" will end. Forgive me for speaking for you. Perhaps you see things differentlly. What do you see ahead? Thank you for your reply Mrs C and well you and hugs and stuff to you and Gene! :)
      July 29, 2021 11:09 AM MDT