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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is NOT good news! Allegedly 25% of the new COVID cases in Los Angeles are those who are fully vaccinated! WHAT?

This is NOT good news! Allegedly 25% of the new COVID cases in Los Angeles are those who are fully vaccinated! WHAT?

We KNOW the Delta variant is 1000 times more contagious that the original virus and we are finding out that the variants are causing the breakthroughs in those already vaccinated.

So what does that mean exactly? Are we approaching a time and place where no vaccine will help us?

Posted - July 29, 2021


  • 10568
    It HAS to happen.  SInce nearly half the population refuses to get vaccinated, EVERYONE will (eventually) get the virus - vaccinated or not.  The unvaxxed are condemning/sentencing EVERYONE people to suffer.  Of course, it's unlikely any vaccinated person will get majorly sick or die from the virus... that's something the unvaxxed can't say.
      July 29, 2021 3:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I know and you know what I saw at the bank on Wednesday Shuhak? Most of the customers were UNMASKED! I was SHOCKED. Governor Newsome reinstated masking indoors. I was angry but what are ya gonna do. OF COURSE IS WAS MASKED and we are social distanced. You step on a spot on the floor wiating your turn. I guess those spots are six feet apart. Either they don't know or they don't care. There will be "long haulers" among the GUANOHEADS who survive. And still they mock and ridicule and deny and lie. There is no getting through to brick walls.I have a question. There is more of us than there is of them. Why are they winning? Thank you for your reply Shuhak.
      July 30, 2021 2:53 AM MDT

  • 10568
    Roughly 25% of the people in the grocery store yesterday were masked; and less than half even tried to social distance.  No clerks wore masks.  All the "spots" on the floor were removed the very day this state opened back up.  

    Wearing masks sucks!  They do NOT block out the smoke, but only make it harder to breathe in it.  Add the heat, and wearing a mask is utterly  miserable!   Yet the same "people" who refuse to get vaccinated also refuse to wear a mask.  
      July 30, 2021 1:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Didn't Newsome MANDATE wearing mask in the entire state a couple of days ago? I'm sure the mask makes you more miserable BUT IT WILL protect somewhat against the virus. I know it makes us hot to wear them. in winter it's fine but in summer? AARRGGHH. Yet no matter what discomfort they create I will NEVER NOT WEAR ONE outside my home except on my property quickly if I go out and no one else is there. I trust no one. If fully vaccinated people can be carriers and breakthroughs there is no safe anywhere. So it's up in your area too not just down south where I am. That m'dear isn't remotely comforting to me. So we sit and wait and struggle and see what happens. What else is there to do? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :( Of course the unhappy face isn't in response to you. It's in response to everything else going on that is quite ungood!
      July 31, 2021 6:00 AM MDT

  • 10568
    This county has a very poor vaccine rate.  And breakthrough cases are rising.  A lady came to our church Sunday morning with what she thought was allergies.  Although she was fully vaccinated, she tested positive for COVID Sunday afternoon.   So far 3 other members have now tested positive.
      July 31, 2021 1:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Are you ALL masked inside the church including the person at the pulpit? I told you about going to the bank on Wednesday. About six ofr the customers were MASKLESS and I was SHOCKED. SIGH. Anyway please STAY SAFE. HOW I don't know. Everywhere we are surrounded by dumbbells. They will be the death of us. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 1, 2021 3:25 AM MDT

  • 33880
    Unvaxxed under 65yr old can certainly say it.

      July 31, 2021 6:40 PM MDT

  • 33880
    And they only count the breakthrough case IF the person is hospitalized or just how many breakthrough cases are there really???

    Does this vaccine work? 

    Why would any young person get the vax?  I do not understand putting you health at risk for an experimental vax for a disease that has a 99+% survival for anyone under 65yr. 

      July 29, 2021 4:15 PM MDT

  • 757
    You need to remember that this is an unproven vaccine. 
      July 29, 2021 4:18 PM MDT

  • 258
    Apparently vaccines or drugs cease to be officially regarded as experimental once they receive emergency approval (pending full approval). While I have not yet found a source to support that point, it is also not appropriate nor justified, to describe emergency-approved vaccines as "unproven".

    Whenever I click on the "Reply" button it is to leave a message referring to the original but directed to the general reader; it does not mean that I am directing my reply to the contributor. My responses should therefore not be considered to be, "taken personally". > > > > > > > > > > This post was edited by Robert at July 31, 2021 11:26 AM MDT
      July 31, 2021 6:03 AM MDT

  • 33880
    No long term side effects can be know as it has not been around long term to know or even study.  

    The long term side effects of these shot are unproven.  We have seen short term effects...and they are not pretty.  From blood clots to death. 
      July 31, 2021 6:22 AM MDT

  • 258
    A fair comment, but the wording used by contributor Wolfhound was "unproven", which typically refers to effectiveness rather than to side-effects.

    Perhaps between Wolfhound, my2cents, and myself, we have, combined, a reasonable response to this issue, which as my2cents rightly points out, will only become better clarified over time.
      July 31, 2021 6:28 AM MDT

  • 7790
    The Pfizer vaccine at least is about 95% effective. I suppose those people were in the 5% and btw, no vaccine is 100%. Did everybody forget that part? This post was edited by Zack at July 31, 2021 1:58 PM MDT
      July 29, 2021 4:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The BREAKTHROUGHS are part of the danger of the Delta Variant Zack. Being fully vaccinated is not protection against getting it. It does, however, protect from hospitalization, being put on ventilators and dying. That is the GRAVE DANGER here. It keeps mutating and at some point the GREAT FEAR is that it will MUTATE BEYOND OUR ABILITY TO DEVEOP A VACCINE AGAINST IT. I did not forget that the vaccine is not 100%. However we have no control whatsoever over the variety of mutations occurring. They are occurring so rapidly we are always playing catchup and at some point at this rate WE WILL BE UNABLE TO CATCH UP. No I'm not shouting at you with the caps. I am simply trying to let you know that what you say is true but that is not all there is to it. Did you hear Dr. Fauci most recently state what I just did? If we don't STOP it now we may not be able to stop it EVER. Ok. I'm done stating my point. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee and thine. I trust you are not worried at all. I'm happy for you.
      July 30, 2021 2:30 AM MDT

  • 258
    Cases among vaccinated people are producing few hospitalizations, with most of their symptoms not being severe:
    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    [Heading:] "Public Health warns of Delta variant as case rates continue to rise", July 27, 2021.

    "There’s not even 1/10 of a hospitalization per 100,000 people for vaccinated people,” Ferrer [Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer] added. “This does contribute to our certainty that the vaccines are working as intended here in L.A. County. And although vaccinated people are seeing a rise in new COVID diagnosis, they are primarily experiencing their infections not as severe illnesses to bring them to the emergency room, but as bad colds."

    Extract source:
    "The Signal", Santa Clarita Valley:

    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    In her discussion details contributor RoseG referred to "breakthroughs in those already vaccinated".

    The term in this context "breakthrough infection" is indeed recognized and used by the CDC ("Centers for Disease Control and Prevention"):

    However, I have been unable to find any evidence that the manufacturers of coronavirus vaccines have claimed that their vaccines are designed to prevent infection.

    In the following extract, bear in mind that the term "Covid-19" is apparently defined as referring to the respiratory illness caused by the "SARS-CoV-2" virus:
    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    "Pfizer and BioNTech announced Monday their coronavirus vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 among those without evidence of prior infection [...]" 

    "U.S. officials and scientists are hopeful a vaccine to prevent Covid-19 will be ready in the first half of 2021 — 12 to 18 months since Chinese scientists first identified the coronavirus and mapped its genetic sequence."

    Extract source:

    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    From that extract we see how important it is to know how the term “COVID-19” is really defined.

    Definition of "Covid-19" from the CDC ("Centers for Disease Control and Prevention"):
    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    "COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a new coronavirus discovered in 2019."

    Extract source:

    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    If the latter definition is “true” then the vaccines are to prevent serious illness, and not so much for preventing infection (see vaccine manufacturer’s extract above).

    Contrary definition of "Covid-19" from the WHO ("World Health Organization"):
    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience [...] The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, [...] The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose [...]"

    Extract source:

    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    If the latter extract is “true” then the vaccines would be for preventing infection (see vaccine manufacturer’s extract above).

    Most vaccines are not designed to prevent infection but are designed to prevent serious symptoms. Research is still underway regarding whether the Coronavirus vaccines prevent infection:

    Perhaps there has been some confusion as to what the term "COVID-19" means. When officials have stated that the vaccines are to "prevent COVID-19" they mean the respiratory illness; not the prevention of infection.

    With the contrary and confusing definitions given for the term "COVID-19" by official health organizations, it is not surprising people may have assumed that officials are referring to the prevention of infection, whereas the term "COVID-19" appears to be (mostly) defined as referring to the respiratory disease caused by the "SARS-CoV-2" virus.

    In these circumstances, the use of the term "breakthrough infection" regarding the coronavirus vaccines, needs to be reviewed.

    This post was edited by Robert at August 18, 2021 5:57 AM MDT
      July 29, 2021 5:05 PM MDT

  • As Zack said, the vaccines are about 95% effective.  There are going to be breakthrough cases.  But the point of the vaccine is mainly that if you do get it ... your case will be less severe and your chances of dying from it are slim.

      July 30, 2021 1:26 PM MDT

  • 33880
    For under 65 the chance is already slim. Under 1%.

      July 31, 2021 6:11 AM MDT

  • 258
    I invite contributor my2cents to provide the CDC source URL for her chart, because the reader is entitled to see the source.

    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    "A tweet: Says “CDC COVID-19 survival rates” are
    99.997% for people ages 0 to 19,
    99.98% for people ages 20 to 49,
    99.5% for people ages 50 to 69, and
    94.6% for people over 70."

    PolitiFact's ruling: False

    Here's why:

    "[...] CDC spokesperson Jasmine Reed told PolitiFact that the agency has not released any age-specific COVID-19 survival rates [...]"

    Extract source:

    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    If the data in the chart that contributor my2cents has uploaded does not come from the CDC, then she has uploaded bogus information. > > > > > > > > > > > > This post was edited by Robert at July 31, 2021 11:48 AM MDT
      July 31, 2021 11:37 AM MDT

  • 33880
    Not a tweet.  This is direct from the latest information from the CDC. 

    Info is from CDC scenario 5 which they say is most likely stats.   

    Correct CDC does not word it as survival rate....but they give the numbers....if you have the numbers you can figure the IFR.  If is simple math.
      July 31, 2021 6:44 PM MDT

  • 258
    The URL given by contributor "my2cents" is not valid:

    The correct URL for the table (not her made-up chart) entitled "Table 1. Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios." is (scroll down about half-way down the webpage):

    The Table is not a valid source for the purported data in contributor "my2cents" chart "COVID-19 Survival Rates".

    Indeed the Chart "COVID-19 Survival Rates" uploaded by contributor "my2cents" appears to have been created by her, for the purpose of promoting anti-vax fake news (see the rebuttal of which I quoted an extract).

      August 1, 2021 4:41 AM MDT

  • 33880
    No. I did not create it. Lol. 

    I found it and verified the information on the CDCs site The site where I found it linked to the CDC site. 
    The data they give in Scenario 5 matches the graphic. Which the CDC says is their best estimate last updated Mar 2021. 

    Your fact check gives no data just says that CDC does not give data for Survival rate.....not. But they do give the IFR (infection fatality rate).  Again if they give that rate it is simple math to get the survival rate.  

    Ie. If 2 people in 100 die...the IFR is 2%. 100%-2%= 98% survival rate.   Simple math.

    Now if you can show me a higher IFR for covid by age please do.   I would be interested. 
      August 1, 2021 6:49 AM MDT

  • 13277
    What do you propose to do about it other than complain, Dr. Rosie? All the reports I have seen say the vast majority of new cases are unvaccinated people.
      July 31, 2021 2:01 PM MDT